Mensen/PersonagesEdmund Campion

Mensen/Personages op omslag

Werken (29)

1603: The Death of Queen Elizabeth I, the Return of the Black Plague, the Rise of Shakespeare, Piracy, Witchcraft, and the Birth of the Stuart Era door Christopher Lee
All the Queen's Men door Peter Brimacombe
All the Queen's Men: Elizabeth I and Her Courtiers door Neville Williams
Blessed Edmund Campion door Louise Imogen Guiney
Blessed Edmund Campion door C.C. Martindale
A briefe historie of the glorious martyrdom of twelve reverend priests: Father Edmund Campion & his companions door William Allen
Campion: A Play in Two Acts door Christopher Buckley
Come Rack! Come Rope! door Robert Hugh Benson
Edmund Campion door Evelyn Waugh
Edmund Campion : Jesuit protomartyr of England door Richard Simpson
Edmund Campion: A Definitive Biography door Richard Simpson
Edmund Campion: Hero of God's Underground door Harold Gardiner
Elizabeth I door Anne Somerset
Elizabeth's Spymaster: Francis Walsingham and the Secret War That Saved England door Robert Hutchinson
Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne door David Starkey
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the Society door A. L. Rowse
English Catholic Heroes door John Jolliffe
The English Way: Studies in English Sanctity from St. Bede to Newman door Maisie Ward
The First Elizabeth door Carolly Erickson
Her Majesty's Spymaster: Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Walsingham, and the Birth of Modern Espionage door Stephen Budiansky
The Horizon Book of the Elizabethan World door Lacey Baldwin Smith
Life in Elizabethan England door A. H. Dodd
The Life of Elizabeth I door Alison Weir
Lines of my life: Journal of a year door Edmund Campion
De ondergang van de Spaanse Armada : de mislukte aanval van Filips II op Engeland, 1587-1589 door Garrett Mattingly
Rifling through My Drawers door Clarissa Dickson Wright
The Tower of London in the History of England door A. L. Rowse
Two Lives: Edmund Campion - Ronald Knox door Evelyn Waugh
Who's Who in Tudor England door C. R. N. Routh