Mensen/PersonagesJean Guy Beauvoir

Mensen/Personages op omslag

Werken (10)

The Brutal Telling door Louise Penny
Bury Your Dead door Louise Penny
The Cruellest Month door Louise Pennypronounced 'Jawhn Gee', with a hard 'G', Inspector, Gamache's second
A Great Reckoning door Louise Penny
The Hangman door Louise Penny
IJskoud door Louise Pennypronounced 'Jawhn Gee', with a hard 'G', Inspector, Gamache's second
A Rule Against Murder door Louise Penny
Een schitterend mysterie door Louise Pennypronounced 'Jawhn Gee', with a hard 'G', Inspector, Gamache's second in command
Stilleven door Louise PennyInspector, Gamache's second in command
A Trick of the Light door Louise Penny