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Guernen Sang It: King Arthur's Raid on Hell and other poems
Reeksen: Guernen Sang It (1)
This is the first volume of my poetry which I published as a test three years ago when I first came across Lulu. To quote from the introduction: "Most of these poems are, in one way or another, SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) poems – either poems written for or about people in the two Kingdoms (West and Outlands) where I have so far lived and played, or poems about persons or events in the SCA period (approximately 600-1600 AD). The West Kingdom poems were written in 1995-1997, when I lived in the Barony of Earngyld (mundanely Juneau, Alaska). The Outlands poems were written from 1998 to the present in the Barony of Caerthe (Denver, Colorado). The Welsh poems overlap the Outlands poems in time, but are separated from them by their different content; some were written for the Colorado Welsh Society, others for competitions. Most of these poems are written in period forms, or approximations of period forms – one of my on-going quests being a search for ways of reproducing the sound and feel of medieval Welsh poetry in modern English! And yet, because the bardic art I practice is a performance art, these are in a larger sense not my poems at all, but merely pale imitations – poems preserved on paper. Until I can come and sing the real poems to you, I hope you will enjoy the substitutes." This is a first edition with default Lulu cover.
Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
gwernin (Auteur)
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In de uitverkoop
Canada, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Verenigde Staten
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1 besprak
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