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Everyone should read BLOWBACK. And for a very practical yet critical reason: each one of us comes within close proximity of some type of pressure equipment every day, if not several times a day. But most people rarely give thought to pressure devices. Without these mechanisms, however, civilization as we know it today would not exist. That’s because pressure equipment is essential to the productivity, comfort, and wellbeing of every man, woman, and child. Pressure-retaining devices are harmless when properly maintained and operated. The problem is the general public’s lacking of understanding of what can happen if these mechanical mainstays are ignored, abused, or without constant monitoring. For example: rupture of a typical 30-gallon water heater instantly generates enough force to send a 2,500-pound car to a height equivalent to a 14-story building with a liftoff velocity of 85 miles per hour (enough energy to launch it from the basement through the roof of a three-story house). BLOWBACK is not a textbook. It is a fascinating collection of short stories and essays intended to build awareness of pressure equipment safety: from the hot water tank in your basement, to colossal electricity producing steam generators, to beer kegs, to the seemingly innocuous inhaler in your pocket or purse. Replete with lavish illustrations and rare photos, BLOWBACK engages the reader with little known anecdotes as well as insight into some of North America’s most calamitous events. Those with extensive mechanical backgrounds and those without will equally find BLOWBACK to be an eye-opening two-millennium journey that is both entertaining and educational: from the discovery of steam locomotion to today’s headlines of pressure equipment devastation. Let the reader beware: what you don’t know can kill you. And when it comes to safety, there are no second chances!
Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (Uitgever)
(User: newshelves)
September 2013
Begint op: 2013-09-02
Uitgelezen: 2013-09-30
In de uitverkoop
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LibraryThing Werkpagina
13 besprak
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