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The Last Day
I meet Jesus on the day I get home from the war. I'm on the beach, but I don't know how I got here. My mind is as dark as the night ... I spend the whole night on the beach. But when the sun's faint light begins to bend around the Earth, I see him ... There, coming toward me, out of the light, is a man ... Behind the man a faint curtain of light rises to the sky out of the ocean. He wears the light like a robe, though I see he's dressed like me. Jeans and a T-shirt, no shoes. And that he's older than I am, a lot older, maybe mid-thirties. He walks right toward me. He walks right into my eyes. So begins the spellbinding story of Warren Harlan Pease, a young US Army sniper freshly returned from the Iraq War to his native New Hampshire. What follows is a page-turning adventure that is also a powerful and poetic meditation on religion and war, love and loss. The Last Day answer some questions and asks many more. Armed with a sniper's rifle and his deeply held faith, Specialist Pease travels across ideological borders and earns an appreciation for his enemy's culture and for what connects us all as human beings. "War doesn't test your faith in Jesus," Warren comes to realize. "It tests your faith in yourself." Upon returning home, he spends an entire day with Jesus visiting and contemplating his own life with fresh eyes, and a willing heart. He examines his relationship to those he loves, and grapples with the pain he has been carrying since the death of his mother when he was just a boy. This extraordinary work of compassion and healing grace will resonate with skeptics and believers, be shared and discussed between friends and among families. It is a book for our time, and forever.
Christian Fiction, General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
Steerforth Press (Uitgever)
(User: MWeldon)
June 2009
Begint op: 2009-06-08
Uitgelezen: 2009-06-26
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