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There's a Hamster in the Dashboard: A Life in Pets
There's a Hamster in the Dashboard (advance review copies available in mobi, epub and pdf formats): A book of essays by award-winning author and journalist David W. Berner is the next best thing to storytelling around a bonfire. In "There’s a Hamster in the Dashboard," Berner shares stories of “a life in pets” — from a collie that herds Berner home when the author goes “streaking” through the neighborhood as a two-year-old, to a father crying in front of his son for the only time in his life while burying the family dog on the Fourth of July. And from the ant farm that seems like a great learning experience (until the ants learn how to escape), to the hamster that sets out on its own road trip (but only gets as far as the dashboard). Along the way, Berner shows that pets not only connect us with the animal world, but also with each other and with ourselves. The result is a collection of essays that is insightful and humorous, entertaining and touching. "Funny, poignant, insightful, and quirky." Stanley Coren, The Intelligence of Dogs "Berner understands that our relationship to our pets and to the world around us defines who we are as humans." Robert Louis Henry, Leaf Garden Press
Biography & Memoir, Nonfiction
Aangeboden door
Dream of Things (Uitgever)
(User: dreamofthings)
June 2015
Begint op: 2015-06-01
Uitgelezen: 2015-06-29
In de uitverkoop
Canada, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Verenigde Staten
LibraryThing Werkpagina
6 besprak, 3 marked received, 4 marked not received
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