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Milwaukee Noir
Tim Hennessy (Redacteur), Shauna Singh Baldwin (Contribution by), James E. Causey (Contribution by), Christi Clancy (Contribution by), Reed Farrel Coleman (Contribution by), Vida Cross (Contribution by), Jane Hamilton (Contribution by), Derrick Harriell (Contribution by), Valerie Laken (Contribution by), Jennifer Morales (Contribution by), Nick Petrie (Contribution by), Matthew J. Prigge (Contribution by), Mary Thorson (Contribution by), Larry Watson (Contribution by), Frank Wheeler Jr. (Contribution by)
Reeksen: Akashic Noir
In Milwaukee Noir, a city of manufacturers and booze, as well as a growing immigrant community, makes perfect grist for the Noir Series mill. Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. Brand-new stories by: Jane Hamilton, Reed Farrel Coleman, Valerie Laken, Matthew J. Prigge, Shauna Singh Baldwin, Vida Cross, Larry Watson, Frank Wheeler Jr., Derrick Harriell, Christi Clancy, James E. Causey, Mary Thorson, Nick Petrie, and Jennifer Morales. From the introduction by Tim Hennessy: Presently, Milwaukee is going through a renaissance—abandoned factories being converted to condos, craft breweries and distilleries pushing out corner taverns—yet at the same time it is among the most segregated and impoverished big cities in the country. The gentrification of neighborhoods outside of downtown bear the impact of twentieth-century redlining efforts, forcing residents out due to housing demand, adding fuel to the affordable-housing crisis. Such an environment and atmosphere make excellent fodder for noir fiction . . . The book you’re holding is the first of its kind—a short fiction collection about Milwaukee, by writers who’ve experienced life here. The crime/noir genre at its best can be one of the purest forms of social commentary. I’ve gathered contributors who can tell not just a fine story, but who can write about the struggles and resilience of the people who live here . . . I’m honored to compile a body of work that represents what I love, and fear, about Milwaukee. I love my city’s lack of pretension; its stubbornness and pride in the unpolished corners. I fear that my city faces an uncertain future—that as it becomes more divided it may push our best and brightest to find somewhere else to shine.
Fiction and Literature
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Akashic Books (Uitgever)
(User: johannaingalls)
March 2019
Begint op: 2019-03-04
Uitgelezen: 2019-03-25
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