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First Stringers
Reeksen: Stringers (book 1)
Format: Open, non-DRM file. Winners will be sent the URL of a webpage where they can download the eBook in PDF, ePub, Kindle, or prc format. What happens if science's String Theory is correct? What if the "real" universe is nothing more than a mental model? And what happens to the half-dozen deformed young adults who can mentally manipulate that universe's strings? Who are these Stringers? There's Ember, blind, and deathly afraid of her own hot anger-heat that emasculated a man attempting to molest her. There's Bolton, an angry, crippled genius who mentally robs casino computers to finance his toy robot cars and rockets. Then, there's Gina Red-Bear, a beautiful but alienated half-Sioux who can read and control others' emotions. Or, her wheel-chair-bound twin brother, George, whose own cerebral power can synthesize any chemical-including illegal drugs. Finally, there's Alandra, an innocent Down Syndrome girl whose remarkable ability could easily make her the richest person in the world-or the most dangerous. Each of these five is threatened by others who would control theirpower. For example, General Jakes, supreme leader of an army of survivalists, already controls his own deaf son, Lee. Lee is a Stringer whose power allows him to throw a cruise liner halfway around the world. To protect themselves from Jakes, each of the five Stringers must first wrestle with their fear of unleashing the devastating unintended consequences of their vast powers. Then they must overcome their conflicts and jealousies to create The Quintet-in which each Stringer complements the others' abilities and handicaps. Only united can they hope to grow in skill and sophistication, defeat their enemies, and finally become more fully human.
Fantasy, General Fiction, Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
BookViewCafe (Uitgever)
(User: chrisdolley)
September 2010
Begint op: 2010-09-06
Uitgelezen: 2010-09-26
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