TrefwoordBrief van Paulus aan Filemon

Engels trefwoord: Book of Philemon (verbeter de vertaling)

Bevat: Book of Philemon, Epistle to Philemon, NT - Philemon, Philemon (Bible book), nt.phlm, NT:Philemon, Books of the Bible - Philemon, Philemon - NT, book of Philemon, Philemon--NT Epistles, nt:philemon, NT Philemon, Philemon (Book), nt - philemon, Bible N.T. Philemon, philemon (book), philemon--nt epistles, bible n.t. philemon, book of philemon, nt philemon, epistle to philemon, philemon - nt, philemon (bible book), books of the bible - philemon, nt:Philemon
Vertalingen: Філімону, Brief des Paulus an Philemon, Epístola a Filemón, Épître à Philémon, Poslanica Filemonu, Lettera a Filemone, Laiškas Filemonui, Pál levele Filemonhoz, Послание до Филимон, Brief van Paulus aan Filemon, Paulus' brev til Filemon, List do Filemona, Epístola a Filémon, Epistola lui Pavel către Filimon, Послание к Филимону, List Filemonovi, Посланица Филимону, Kirje Filemonille, Filemonbrevet

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