TrefwoordTrail of Tears

Engels trefwoord: Trail of Tears (verbeter de vertaling)

Bevat: Trail of Tears, trail of tears, Trail of tears, TRAIL OF TEARS, The Trail of Tears, THE TRAIL OF TEARS, the Trail of Tears, the trail of tears, Trail Of Tears, The trail of tears
Vertalingen: Pfad der Tränen, Sendero de lágrimas, Piste des Larmes, Sentiero delle lacrime, Патека на солзите, Trail of Tears, Szlak Łez, Trilha das Lágrimas, Drumul lacrimilor, Дорога слёз, Tårarnas väg, Gözyaşı Yolu

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IPCCLibrary (12), IslandsLibrary (10), IAIS_Research (9), KristynBer (9), glhs (8), theresearcher (7), ReshelvingAlexandria (7), mitchellmuseum2 (7), msellberg (7), zjeszay (6), NCOAHResearch (5), Carr_Memorial_Lib (4), lloydevans (4), OKGENSOC (4), NorthStarAcademyMQT (4), NEAGS (4), libMNLL (4), CompassHomeschool (4), I_recommend (4), fnkelley (4), PLIA (3) en 578 andere leden

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