Trefwoordand applied the laws and principles of the Mishnah that were received at Sinai .The sacred learning of those years was gathered in the Talmud Yerushalmi  The Jerusalem Tamud. They lived with Roman pogroms and persecution  but the flame of Torah burned b

Bevat: and applied the laws and principles of the Mishnah that were received at Sinai .The sacred learning of those years was gathered in the Talmud Yerushalmi  The Jerusalem Tamud. They lived with Roman pogroms and persecution  but the flame of Torah burned b, and applied the laws and principles of the Mishnah that were received at Sinai .The sacred learning of those years was gathered in the Talmud Yerushalmi  The Jerusalem Tamud. They lived with Roman pogroms and persecution  but the flame of Torah burned b, and applied the laws and principles of the mishnah that were received at sinai .the sacred learning of those years was gathered in the talmud yerushalmi  the jerusalem tamud. they lived with roman pogroms and persecution  but the flame of torah burned b

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