interviewer requested: kat hurley (memoir)

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interviewer requested: kat hurley (memoir)

sep 4, 2013, 9:34 pm

I Think I'll Make It by Kat Hurley
memoir: ebook

Pushing thirty, broke and broken, Kat Hurley fled to Hawaii to escape a trifecta of failure: her deteriorating relationship, her stale career, her moot five-year plan. Instead, she found herself drowning in the deluge of thoughts and memories that loneliness let in, dredging up haunts from her childhood, including the testimony that sentenced her father for her mother’s murder.

Determined to start fresh, Kat finds solace in Hawaii's stunning surf and devours stacks of spiritual books while careening down a path of deep healing and exploration. A rags to riches of the soul, Kat openly shares her demons and false starts, begrudgingly taking up a practice in meditation, which turns into a Battle of the Minds between her and her newly acquainted ego. Bravely honest, funny, and terribly inspirational, I think I’ll make It reveals a woman wavering on the edge of sanity (and ten-foot breaks) and tumbling over the precipice to the only place she might be able to discover real forgiveness, peace, and hope.

Thank you! Looking forward to chatting;)
