Lighthouse Books

1201 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302

United States


BookstoreNiet aangegeven
This bookstore on the Pearl Street Mall specializes in New Age and spiritual items. The expansive selection stretches across two spacious floors. Soothing music provides a nice background for browsing, and a helpful staff is on hand to answer questions. Topics include Shaman and Native American studies, Yoga and meditation, comparative religion, esoteric studies and philosophy. Tarot card sets, runes, music and exotic art complement the book selection.

I love the Lighthouse. I come from California where New Age stores are common, but this store beats everything I've visited. My Dad is into this stuff big time and told me I would love the town and especially the Lighthouse. I cannot believe people say they love a store and have shopped their for years and then take the time to try to hurt the store

I love the Lighthouse. I come from California where New Age stores are common, but this store beats everything I've visited. My Dad is into this stuff big time and told me I would love the town and especially the Lighthouse. I cannot believe people say they love a store and have shopped their for years and then take the time to try to hurt the store.

Are you ready. this is the spiritual heart of boulder........or thats what i was told by a long time friend. I don't have time for bookstore browsing...but this store has done the work for me...i saw more interesting books in one spiritual hour than i have seen in my whole life.

I am a believer.

There's more to this story than borrowers lying about their incomes, financial institutions loaning on sub-prime products that were questionable and all the default rates. The deeper picture here is about yet another shift of wealth from the middle class to the already wealthy. The first major shift happened in the Colorado real estate market crash just after 9/11. Then came all the giant corporate corruption scandals that bilked billions from investors through their stock investments, and employees through their retirement accounts.
Real estate has, historically, been the time-tested way that an average American could accumulate any type of wealth or security. It was done over time. People were aware how the game worked. You saved enough money for a down payment. You bought a Summit County house with a typical 30-year real estate mortgage and you paid it off as soon as you could - or over time in 30 years. Your real estate mortgage payments stayed the same year after year, because your interest rates stayed the same. It was safe. It wasn't terribly glamorous, but it was also a security that you could depend on.
Then came this bizarre shift in our government, our corporations, and our personal lives after the 2000 elections. We had been seduced by fast promises, by the "bling". We were riding high from record stock market gains and we were on top of the world. Within months of the election, we found ourselves with the prospect of terrorism on our own shores, a failing real estate market, a down-turn in the economy and businesses going bankrupts, dragging down the millions of employees who worked for them. Got to go to war and avenge ourselves. And while the whole world looked on, we went to war.
In the mean time, while our attention and national furor was being diverted over-seas, there was this whole movement back at home that never got any media attention. We needed to make ourselves feel better, more secure. So if you'll remember, in order to prop up the economy, this movement began to "buy back" our security. Everywhere you looked (and you can still see it today), billboards across the nation spouted advertising: "Make all your dreams come true." Just use all the equity in your Breckenridge home to buy that boat, RV, trip, car, etc. You name it, your "equity" in your home could purchase it. It popped up on your computer screen hundreds of times each day. You saw it on TV, running ad nauseum! Buy, and all the scary stuff would just go away - AND if you do it as a Colorado home-equity line of credit, you can deduct the interest rates!! How cool was that? What a great way to "stick it to Uncle Sam". Never mind that that nest egg you'd been building was about disappear. It was a really great slight of hand. And the losers are the middle class, the working, the almost-retired and the retired, who bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.
Add to this scenario, the "sudden gains" in the housing "boom", which helped fuel the feeling of security in taking out new loans and investing in over-priced real estate. (Hey, I'll just sell it next month for another $25,000 or more!). How manufactured was that?? Those corporate giants that spewed out houses at un-heard of rates were part of the whole plan, as well. It is interesting that each and every new "release" in a subdivision went up exponentially in price, although NOTHING was substantially different in materials, labor or quality. And again, the media and advertising machine played to people's greed and their need for feeling better about themselves and their country. The frenzy with which people - average American citizens - bought into all the media hype speaks volumes about several issues that cannot be detailed in this message: greed, personal responsibility, security, hype, mass-consciousness, fear, entitlement, etc. All those things were in play and were played out and preyed upon by "the system".
Then the "bubble burst". What a surprise! Those same Breckenridge luxury homes that sold for $300- or $400,000 were ""suddenly" worth only $200- or $300,000. Funny. That's only what they were "worth" to begin with! In appraisal work, there are three means of valuing buildings. The critical one is the cost of the materials and labor. So if you've only got $100,000 worth of materials and $25,000 in labor, the value of the building is $125,000. You do the math. Where is the rest of the money going?? Where is it NOW? Can you say "Off-shore banking accounts?"
This is a typical ponzi scheme, folks! And the last in line is always the loser. And this particular scheme is a doozy! If you are wanting to point fingers, follow the money trail. But also look at your own personal responsibility in the game. Look at where your own need for security, the fear that runs that and the greed helped prop this whole game up. We are ALL the losers in this. We've got some very difficult decisions to make and we'd better have the guts to face the music. In the coming years, there will be talk of bail-outs of the financial institutions that made these loans - or our economy will take the biggest nose dive ever, making 1929 look really easy. In the 1980's we had the Savings and Loan debacle and bail-out. We have not yet paid that debt off. Funny, they were also the result of Bush family involvement and summit county mls-management. Unfortunately, the biggest losers in this nightmare are our children and grandchildren. They are going to be the ones to have to dig us out financially, unless we demand accountability from ourselves, our leaders, our financial institutions and the giant corporate home-builders that helped fuel this mess
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