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Self-Esteem: Your Fundamental Power

door Caroline Myss

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38Geen670,170 (4.5)Geen
What is self-esteem? A type of confidence? Or something far greater? On Self-Esteem, Caroline Myss casts a new light on this often misunderstood subject, redefining self-esteem as an actual core power that is essential to our evolutionary progress. In fact, Myss teaches, your potential for success in life is determined by how greatly you esteem or value who you truly are.Beginning with a look at its roots in childhood, and branching into the real world of daily experience including finances, relationships, and spirituality, Myss illustrates the incredible changes that come when we nourish this life-giving force. Building on her revolutionary bestsellers Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts, Myss explores: How your strong self-esteem threatens other people, and why you must strengthen it anyway- How your intuition, spiritual guidance, self-healing capacity, and your self-esteem all depend on each other- Plus special guided exercises for cultivating healthy, vibrant self-esteem, available only on this audio session, and much moreHow would your life change if your self-esteem improved? Myss asks. Now you can find out, with this energetic template for radiating the quiet power of your own Self-Esteem.… (meer)
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What is self-esteem? A type of confidence? Or something far greater? On Self-Esteem, Caroline Myss casts a new light on this often misunderstood subject, redefining self-esteem as an actual core power that is essential to our evolutionary progress. In fact, Myss teaches, your potential for success in life is determined by how greatly you esteem or value who you truly are.Beginning with a look at its roots in childhood, and branching into the real world of daily experience including finances, relationships, and spirituality, Myss illustrates the incredible changes that come when we nourish this life-giving force. Building on her revolutionary bestsellers Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts, Myss explores: How your strong self-esteem threatens other people, and why you must strengthen it anyway- How your intuition, spiritual guidance, self-healing capacity, and your self-esteem all depend on each other- Plus special guided exercises for cultivating healthy, vibrant self-esteem, available only on this audio session, and much moreHow would your life change if your self-esteem improved? Myss asks. Now you can find out, with this energetic template for radiating the quiet power of your own Self-Esteem.

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
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