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Darkness Captured: A Novel door Delilah…
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Darkness Captured: A Novel (editie 2010)

door Delilah Devlin

Reeksen: Dark Realm (4)

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342735,360 (3.5)Geen
"There's hot, and then there's Delilah Devlin. She's in a class by herself."  --Sylvia Day   In Darkness Captured, the extraordinary Delilah Devlin combines two blistering hot genres--women's erotic fiction and paranormal romance--and the result is a masterwork of vampire erotica that's almost too torrid to handle! The decidedly adult adventure of a passionate werewolf who's willing to storm the gates of hell to rescue a princess from the clutches of vampire demon, Devlin's Darkness Captured is dark, sexy, and absolutely sizzling. Shapeshifter love has never been hotter!… (meer)
Titel:Darkness Captured: A Novel
Auteurs:Delilah Devlin
Info:Avon Red (2010), Edition: Original, Paperback, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Darkness Captured door Delilah Devlin

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So, after checking out the awesome blog Ruby's Reads, I've decided to take a cue from her and try using a 5 point system for my reviews. My 5 points will be different though (a little at least!). First I'll still do my own little synopsis of the book (since the ones on bookstore websites never tell you enough) and then use the 5 point system to express my opinion. So my 5 points will be:

1) Character Development (this is my number one prerequisite to a fantastic book!)
2) The Good, The Bad, And Sometimes Ugly
3) Romance Sizzle Or Fizzle
4) Uniqueness Of The Plot
5) Final Thoughts (Ha I feel like Jerry Springer!)

Ok, so this book was recommended to me on my Nook store; I knew nothing about it but I thought it sounded fantastic so decided to give it a shot. It centers around Gabriella (a shapeshifter) who is working alongside the vampire clan, led by Alex. Gabriella and Alex have some romantic trysts, but he is in love with another which makes her pretty angry. She is being held in a room at the vampire compound, "to keep her safe" and decides to take a look in the forbidden mirror. In it she sees a handsome man beckoning to her and she feels compelled to reach out to him. In the process she gets sucked through the mirror, into the land of demons and undead. The man who has pulled her through is none other than the Master of the Demons, Marduk. He keeps her captive, but sees to her every desire. She finds herself entranced with this man...but with her second in command, Guntram, hot on the trail to save her she will have to make a choice: her captor or her savior.

***Wait there's more!!! If you want to read the rest of my review, head on over to: The main site is Enjoy!*** ( )
  JamesterCK | Feb 26, 2011 |
From book "Drivin by insatiable desire, a werewolf will enter hell to rescue a princess captured by the master of demon." As usual Delilah does not disapoint. This book will grab you from beginning till the end. This is a sexy, erotic, mesmerizing, & dark book. Delilah will take you to places you have never dreamth about. Nor you might not want to enter. ( )
  katsrus | Nov 6, 2010 |
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"There's hot, and then there's Delilah Devlin. She's in a class by herself."  --Sylvia Day   In Darkness Captured, the extraordinary Delilah Devlin combines two blistering hot genres--women's erotic fiction and paranormal romance--and the result is a masterwork of vampire erotica that's almost too torrid to handle! The decidedly adult adventure of a passionate werewolf who's willing to storm the gates of hell to rescue a princess from the clutches of vampire demon, Devlin's Darkness Captured is dark, sexy, and absolutely sizzling. Shapeshifter love has never been hotter!

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