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The Pale King door David Foster Wallace
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The Pale King (editie 2011)

door David Foster Wallace

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
2,703665,581 (3.9)78
Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

The "breathtakingly brilliant" novel by the author of Infinite Jest (New York Times) is a deeply compelling and satisfying story, as hilarious and fearless and original as anything Wallace ever wrote.
The agents at the IRS Regional Examination Center in Peoria, Illinois, appear ordinary enough to newly arrived trainee David Foster Wallace. But as he immerses himself in a routine so tedious and repetitive that new employees receive boredom-survival training, he learns of the extraordinary variety of personalities drawn to this strange calling. And he has arrived at a moment when forces within the IRS are plotting to eliminate even what little humanity and dignity the work still has.
The Pale King remained unfinished at the time of David Foster Wallace's death, but it is a deeply compelling and satisfying novel, hilarious and fearless and as original as anything Wallace ever undertook. It grapples directly with ultimate questions — questions of life's meaning and of the value of work and society — through characters imagined with the interior force and generosity that were Wallace's unique gifts. Along the way it suggests a new idea of heroism and commands infinite respect for one of the most daring writers of our time.
"The Pale King is by turns funny, shrewd, suspenseful, piercing, smart, terrifying, and rousing." —Laura Miller, Salon

.… (meer)
Titel:The Pale King
Auteurs:David Foster Wallace
Info:Little, Brown and Company (2011), Hardcover, 560 pages

Informatie over het werk

De bleke koning een onvoltooide roman door David Foster Wallace

Onlangs toegevoegd doorCJForrest, Cudman, EgoAmi, gales, notfound, mowolf3
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Sublieme taal en intelligentie. Emoties tuss de regels.De leegte en de verpletterende verveling druipt van elke pagina (603 p) en sleept de lezer helemaal mee. De personages zijn kafkaësk... ( )
  gielen.tejo | Sep 11, 2020 |
Unfinished or no, it’s worth reading this long, partly shaped novel just to get at its best moments, and to ponder what Wallace, that excellent writer, would have done with the book had he had time to finish it himself.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkKirkus Reviews, a (Apr 1, 2011)
'By turns breathtakingly brilliant and stupefying dull — funny, maddening and elegiac — “The Pale King” will be minutely examined by longtime fans for the reflexive light it sheds on Wallace’s oeuvre and his life.'
toegevoegd door GYKM | bewerkNew York Times, Machiko Kakutani (Mar 31, 2011)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
David Foster Wallaceprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Pietsch, MichaelRedacteurSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Past the flannel plains and blacktop graphs and skylines of canted rust, and past the tobacco-brown river overhung with weeping trees and coins of sunlight through them on the water downriver, to the place beyond the windbreak, where untilled fields simmer shrilly in the A.M. heat: shattercane, lamb's-quarter, cutgrass, sawbrier, nut-grass, jimsonweed, wild mint, dandelion, foxtail, muscadine, spine-cabbage, goldenrod, creeping charlie, butter-print, nightshade, ragweed, wild oat, vetch, butcher grass, invaginate volunteer beans, all heads gently nodding in the morning breeze like a mother's soft hand on your cheek.
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Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

The "breathtakingly brilliant" novel by the author of Infinite Jest (New York Times) is a deeply compelling and satisfying story, as hilarious and fearless and original as anything Wallace ever wrote.
The agents at the IRS Regional Examination Center in Peoria, Illinois, appear ordinary enough to newly arrived trainee David Foster Wallace. But as he immerses himself in a routine so tedious and repetitive that new employees receive boredom-survival training, he learns of the extraordinary variety of personalities drawn to this strange calling. And he has arrived at a moment when forces within the IRS are plotting to eliminate even what little humanity and dignity the work still has.
The Pale King remained unfinished at the time of David Foster Wallace's death, but it is a deeply compelling and satisfying novel, hilarious and fearless and as original as anything Wallace ever undertook. It grapples directly with ultimate questions — questions of life's meaning and of the value of work and society — through characters imagined with the interior force and generosity that were Wallace's unique gifts. Along the way it suggests a new idea of heroism and commands infinite respect for one of the most daring writers of our time.
"The Pale King is by turns funny, shrewd, suspenseful, piercing, smart, terrifying, and rousing." —Laura Miller, Salon


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Gemiddelde: (3.9)
1 6
2 17
2.5 5
3 71
3.5 10
4 151
4.5 18
5 90


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