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Stained Glass at York Minister

door Sarah Brown

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The 128 windows of York Minster are the eighth wonder of the world; they illustrate the art and craft of glass painting, extending over nine centuries. York is also an international centre for the study and conservation of stained glass, ensuring its survival into the third millennium. Sarah Brown introduces the magnificent stained glass at York Minster. She provides an holistic overview, starting with evidence for the glazing of the pre-Conquest Minster and the earliest surviving glazing from the twelfth-century church. She then embarks on an extended tour of the Minster s windows, including the Five Sisters in the north transept, the Rose Window in the south transept, the famous Bell-Founder's Window in the north nave aisle, the Great West Window, often called the Heart of Yorkshire, and the magnificent Great East Window. A ground plan of the Minster enables every window to be located. This book will situate you inside the Minster itself, and is a must-have for any stained glass enthusiast. AUTHOR: Sarah Brown is Director of the York Glaziers Trust, responsible for the care of the stained glass of York Minster. She is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History of Art at York University, where she specialises in stained glass: its history and conservation. SELLING POINTS: * Revised and updated guide to an internationally important collection of stained and painted glass, boasting over 100 colour illustrations. * Offers an opportunity to appreciate the details of the famous windows of York Minster up close * Stunningly illustrated with new photography * The ground plan provides a valuable guide for visitors 100 colour… (meer)
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The 128 windows of York Minster are the eighth wonder of the world; they illustrate the art and craft of glass painting, extending over nine centuries. York is also an international centre for the study and conservation of stained glass, ensuring its survival into the third millennium. Sarah Brown introduces the magnificent stained glass at York Minster. She provides an holistic overview, starting with evidence for the glazing of the pre-Conquest Minster and the earliest surviving glazing from the twelfth-century church. She then embarks on an extended tour of the Minster s windows, including the Five Sisters in the north transept, the Rose Window in the south transept, the famous Bell-Founder's Window in the north nave aisle, the Great West Window, often called the Heart of Yorkshire, and the magnificent Great East Window. A ground plan of the Minster enables every window to be located. This book will situate you inside the Minster itself, and is a must-have for any stained glass enthusiast. AUTHOR: Sarah Brown is Director of the York Glaziers Trust, responsible for the care of the stained glass of York Minster. She is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History of Art at York University, where she specialises in stained glass: its history and conservation. SELLING POINTS: * Revised and updated guide to an internationally important collection of stained and painted glass, boasting over 100 colour illustrations. * Offers an opportunity to appreciate the details of the famous windows of York Minster up close * Stunningly illustrated with new photography * The ground plan provides a valuable guide for visitors 100 colour

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