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The Hebrew Prophets: An Introduction

door Jack Lundbom

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Noting that the legacy of the prophets remains a powerful element in contemporary society, Jack R. Lundbom explores the contours of prophetic speech in ancient Israel. He surveys the elements of each prophet's message, describes the characteristics of prophetic rhetoric and symbolic behavior, and discusses the problem of authenticity: how did individuals make the claim to speak as prophets, and how did their audiences recognize their claims? The Hebrew Prophets offers an authoritative introduction to the phenomenon of ancient prophetic speech for the contemporary reader--and hearer.… (meer)
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Although Lundbom does introduce the prophets and explain some of their methods of communication, probably few teachers will want to adopt this text for a class on the prophets because the survey of the prophetic books is brief and fairly elementary. In addition, the strong emphasis on rhetorical features would more likely fit in a hermeneutics class rather than a survey of the prophets.
toegevoegd door Christa_Josh | bewerkJournal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Gary V. Smith (Mar 1, 2011)
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Noting that the legacy of the prophets remains a powerful element in contemporary society, Jack R. Lundbom explores the contours of prophetic speech in ancient Israel. He surveys the elements of each prophet's message, describes the characteristics of prophetic rhetoric and symbolic behavior, and discusses the problem of authenticity: how did individuals make the claim to speak as prophets, and how did their audiences recognize their claims? The Hebrew Prophets offers an authoritative introduction to the phenomenon of ancient prophetic speech for the contemporary reader--and hearer.

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