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Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston (2nd…
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Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston (2nd ed) (editie 1998)

door Arthur Frommer

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58Geen463,399 (3.08)Geen
Looking for a travel guide that goes where other guides fear to tread? One that rides roughshod over ad-copy puffery to smartly deliver the real scoop on a destination's sites and attractions? One that dares to be honest, hip, and fun? Look no more. Frommer's Irreverent Travel Guides are wickedly irreverent, unabashedly honest, and downright hilarious, and provide an insider's perspective on which attractions are overrated tourist traps and which are the secret gems that locals love. You'll get the lowdown on restaurants, lodging, and shopping, and even find out what the locals think of you. "Like being taken around by a savvy local," said the New York Times. "Hipper and savvier than other guides," concurred Diversion magazine. Never shy about confronting the issues, the Irreverents are guides to real travel in the real world. The strait-laced Yankee sensibility is laid bare in Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston, a smart, savvy, no-holds-barred travel guide to New England's premier city. Learn the method behind the madness that is the Big Dig, how to fast-track the Freedom Trail, and how to find the bar Where Everybody Knows Your Name. Savor the city's best bowl of clam chowder and the bluebeery ale at the microbrewery near Fenway Park. Find out which nightclubs the eggheads at Harvard, MIT, and BU visit to lose brain cells. You'll get all this and much more entertaining, insightful travel advice and tips in Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston.… (meer)
Titel:Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston (2nd ed)
Auteurs:Arthur Frommer
Info:Macmillan Publishing Company (1998), Paperback, 240 pages
Verzamelingen:eBook, Audio Book, Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst, Aan het lezen, Te lezen

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Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston door Diane Bair

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Diane Bairprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
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Looking for a travel guide that goes where other guides fear to tread? One that rides roughshod over ad-copy puffery to smartly deliver the real scoop on a destination's sites and attractions? One that dares to be honest, hip, and fun? Look no more. Frommer's Irreverent Travel Guides are wickedly irreverent, unabashedly honest, and downright hilarious, and provide an insider's perspective on which attractions are overrated tourist traps and which are the secret gems that locals love. You'll get the lowdown on restaurants, lodging, and shopping, and even find out what the locals think of you. "Like being taken around by a savvy local," said the New York Times. "Hipper and savvier than other guides," concurred Diversion magazine. Never shy about confronting the issues, the Irreverents are guides to real travel in the real world. The strait-laced Yankee sensibility is laid bare in Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston, a smart, savvy, no-holds-barred travel guide to New England's premier city. Learn the method behind the madness that is the Big Dig, how to fast-track the Freedom Trail, and how to find the bar Where Everybody Knows Your Name. Savor the city's best bowl of clam chowder and the bluebeery ale at the microbrewery near Fenway Park. Find out which nightclubs the eggheads at Harvard, MIT, and BU visit to lose brain cells. You'll get all this and much more entertaining, insightful travel advice and tips in Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Boston.

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