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On the Town in New York: The Landmark History of Eating, Drinking, and Entertainments from the American Revolution to the Food Revolution (1973)

door Michael Batterberry, Ariane Ruskin Batterberry

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59Geen456,470 (3.25)Geen
This 25th Ann'y. Special Ed. of On the Town in NY celebrates the endearing history of how New Yorkers have been fed and watered over the years. New Yorkers used any occasion, from the arrival of a foreign dignitary to the dec. of war, to celebrate with food and drink. As the 19th cent. progressed, there arose the Grand Hotel, immigrant boarding house, ice cream parlor, oyster cellar, beer hall, pleasure garden, theatrical haunt, lobster palace, and greasy spoon of every description. The food and bev. industry changed to take advantage of the changing social fabric following the turbulent '60s. Includes 50 b&w illus., menus from gala events and box lunch specials, and 16 pages of color photos and illus.… (meer)
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Michael Batterberryprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Batterberry, Ariane Ruskinprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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This 25th Ann'y. Special Ed. of On the Town in NY celebrates the endearing history of how New Yorkers have been fed and watered over the years. New Yorkers used any occasion, from the arrival of a foreign dignitary to the dec. of war, to celebrate with food and drink. As the 19th cent. progressed, there arose the Grand Hotel, immigrant boarding house, ice cream parlor, oyster cellar, beer hall, pleasure garden, theatrical haunt, lobster palace, and greasy spoon of every description. The food and bev. industry changed to take advantage of the changing social fabric following the turbulent '60s. Includes 50 b&w illus., menus from gala events and box lunch specials, and 16 pages of color photos and illus.

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