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Stormbringers door Philippa Gregory
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Stormbringers (editie 2013)

door Philippa Gregory (Auteur)

Reeksen: Order of Darkness (2)

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3311581,785 (3.18)1
Luca and Isolde continue their journey searching for evil in medieval Christenndom.
Auteurs:Philippa Gregory (Auteur)
Info:Simon & Schuster Childrens Books (2013), Edition: First Edition, First Printing, 288 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Stormbringers door Philippa Gregory

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Italia, 1453. Luca e Isolda se sienten cada vez mas atraídos el uno por el otro mientras continuan su viaje para desentrañar los misterios de la cristiandad. Pero sus viajes se retrasan con el levantamiento de una intensa cruzada religiosa que amenaza el equilibrio del mundo civilizado. La muerte permanece en el aire a medida que la guerra se intensifica, pero este conflicto religioso no es nada comparado con la llegada de una intensa y mortal tormenta. Atrapados en medio de un caos inimaginable, Luca e Isolda deben confiar el uno en el otro para sobrevivir. El segundo en la serie de cuatro libros de Philippa Gregory profundiza en un romance prohibido y una búsqueda épica. Y la tensión se construye cuando los secretos de la orden de la oscuridad finalmente se revelan
  Bibliotecasj | Aug 30, 2024 |
Don't do it Luca!!!!!! ( )
  nab6215 | Jan 18, 2022 |
I can understand why this book has had so many negatives reviews, but historical fiction is one of my favourite genres and I thoroughly enjoyed how "Stormbringers" was seeped in rich detail. The first part of the book also had a strong religious focus which I found interesting, but would be off-putting for many readers. However, the second half was a real page- turner, filled with intrigue, action and suspense, and I am looking forward to the third book in the series when it is released early 2014. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Jan 22, 2016 |
Bruder Luca, der Ermittler des Ordens der Finsternis (s.
"Schicksalstochter", ID-A 52-53/15) reist mit seinem
Schreiber und dem Diener Freize in Begleitung der Damen
Isobel und Ishraq, einer Maurin nach Pescara. Sie gelangen
in ein Städtchen namens Piccolo, wo hunderte Kinder
eintreffen, angeführt von einem charismatischen
Bauernjungen, der die Kinder durch das Meer nach Jerusalem
führen will. "Johann der Gute" predigt und weissagt
berührend, sodass auch Luca und sein Gefolge den
Voraussagen des Jungen erliegen und sich ihm anschließen
wollen. Und tatsächlich scheint sich das Meer zu teilen -
doch eine gigantische Welle, die der Ebbe folgt, vernichtet
ganze Landstriche und bringt hunderten Kindern den Tod.
Isobel und Ishraq werden für das Unglück verantwortlich
gemacht und sollen "brennen". Erneut kämpft Luca um das
Leben der beiden Frauen, für die er eine tiefe Zuneigung
empfindet. Wenig später läuft ein Galeerenschiff den Hafen
an, das im Sturm beschädigt wurde. Der muslimische Kapitän
Radu Bey dient dem Herrscher der Osmanen. Okzident und
Orient treffen aufeinander. Furiose Fortsetzung des 1.
Bandes. ( )
  Cornelia16 | Jan 14, 2016 |
Luca, Freize, Isolde and Ishrak continue to travel together. Along their way they stop in a small town where they come across a group of children following a teen named Johan to the Holy Land. Johan claims to have visions and that with his group of hundreds of children their Crusade will take back the Holy Land. Then the big wave comes, leaving questions, anger, pain and anguish in it's path.

This volume of the series was narrated by a woman rather than a man and gave the story an entirely different tone. Isolde's voice was too child like and made her seem incredibly immature. It kind of made me feel like any character development from the previous book on her part basically hadn't happened.

I did feel like something major from future books was given away. It's just foreshadowing now, but I find myself wondering the foreshadowing wasn't so obvious as to take away from the reveal in future volumes. I still love Luca and Frieze and the new second in command to the infidels is definitely an interesting guy. Ishrak is also becoming more interesting. I liked that Luca continued to research a viable real life reason for the wave, just as in the previous book he steered away from paranormal explanations.

I am sick of Isolde and Ishrak being accused of witchcraft again. I'm hoping this is the last time that plot device gets used. It seems as though the next book is set up for something different and I look forward to giving it a shot. There are definitely twists and turns that I was not expecting and I was glad for them.

We'll see how the relationships among the group continue to develop and whether the author starts treading a new ground in future volumes. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
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Luca and Isolde continue their journey searching for evil in medieval Christenndom.

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3 15
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4 9
5 1

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