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Shadow of the Wolf

door R. G. Porter

Reeksen: Darkness Unleashed (1)

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26Geen916,929 (3)Geen
A woman on a quest to discover the source of the darkness.A group of men hunting for the truth.An evil accidentally released upon the world.Saleene travels in search of the cause of the darkness spreading across her world. What she doesn't expect is to meet up with a group of men on the same quest, let alone the dark warrior who leads them.Together, as they try to unravel the source of the evil, and the reasons behind it, they find their path leads them further into the world of darkness and the past. What they find may save the world, if the demons of the underworld don't stop them first.… (meer)
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A woman on a quest to discover the source of the darkness.A group of men hunting for the truth.An evil accidentally released upon the world.Saleene travels in search of the cause of the darkness spreading across her world. What she doesn't expect is to meet up with a group of men on the same quest, let alone the dark warrior who leads them.Together, as they try to unravel the source of the evil, and the reasons behind it, they find their path leads them further into the world of darkness and the past. What they find may save the world, if the demons of the underworld don't stop them first.

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