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The Chronicle of John of Worcester: Volume…
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The Chronicle of John of Worcester: Volume II: The Annals from 450 to 1066 (Oxford Medieval Texts) (editie 1995)

door R. R. Darlington (Redacteur), P. McGurk (Redacteur), Jennifer Bray (Vertaler)

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The chronicle of John of Worcester is one of the most important sources for earlier English history. Completed at Worcester by 1140, it is of considerable interest to historians of both the Anglo-Saxon period and the late eleventh and twelfth centuries. Its annals complement and addsignificantly to those in the surviving versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It has never been adequately translated and a modern edition has long been needed. In this volume, Dr McGurk uses all the available manuscript evidence, as well as the additions for 1122-41 made in a Gloucestercontinuation of a manuscript started in Johns own handwriting. Taken with these interpolations, the chronicle offers crucial evidence for the first five years of King Stephens reign.The Chronicle will be published in three volumes. Volume II covers the annals from 450 to 1066, and Volume III from 1067 to 1140. Volume I will be published last, and will contain a general introduction and supplementary material.… (meer)
Titel:The Chronicle of John of Worcester: Volume II: The Annals from 450 to 1066 (Oxford Medieval Texts)
Auteurs:R. R. Darlington (Redacteur)
Andere auteurs:P. McGurk (Redacteur), Jennifer Bray (Vertaler)
Info:Clarendon Press (1995), 808 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The chronicle of John of Worcester door John of Worcester

Onlangs toegevoegd doorCrooper, vivarium, rwb24, patbrace
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The chronicle of John of Worcester is one of the most important sources for earlier English history. Completed at Worcester by 1140, it is of considerable interest to historians of both the Anglo-Saxon period and the late eleventh and twelfth centuries. Its annals complement and addsignificantly to those in the surviving versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It has never been adequately translated and a modern edition has long been needed. In this volume, Dr McGurk uses all the available manuscript evidence, as well as the additions for 1122-41 made in a Gloucestercontinuation of a manuscript started in Johns own handwriting. Taken with these interpolations, the chronicle offers crucial evidence for the first five years of King Stephens reign.The Chronicle will be published in three volumes. Volume II covers the annals from 450 to 1066, and Volume III from 1067 to 1140. Volume I will be published last, and will contain a general introduction and supplementary material.

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