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Geography, topography, landscape configurations of space in Greek and Roman epic

door Marios Skempis (Redacteur), Ioannis Ziogas (Redacteur)

Andere auteurs: Erica Bexley (Medewerker), Katerina Carvounis (Medewerker), Anthony T. Edwards (Medewerker), Jackie Elliott (Medewerker), Johannes Haubold (Medewerker)10 meer, Alison Keith (Medewerker), Stratis Kyriakidis (Medewerker), Donald Lateiner (Medewerker), Gesine Manuwald (Medewerker), Kirk Ormand (Medewerker), Ruth Parkes (Medewerker), Alex Purves (Medewerker), Robert Shorrock (Medewerker), Evina Sistakou (Medewerker), Helen Slaney (Medewerker)

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By introducing a multifaceted approach to epic geography, the editors of the volume wish to provide a critical assessment of spatial perception, of its repercussions on shaping narrative as well as of its discursive traits and cultural contexts. Taking the genre-specific boundaries of Greco-Roman epic poetry as a case in point, a team of international scholars examines issues that lie at the heart of modern criticism on human geography. Modern and ancient discourse on space representations revolves around the nation-shaping force of geography, the gendered dynamics of landscapes, the topography of isolation and integration, the politics of imperialism, globalization, environmentalism as well as the power of language and narrative to turn space into place. One of the major aims of the volume is to show that the world of the Classics is not just the origin, but the essence of current debates on spatial constructions and reconstructions.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorCrooper, alicekeller, ClaudeDetienne

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A long time ago, in a land far, far away there lived a child whose process for selecting books had one strict criterion: upon cracking open the cover, there had to be a map delineating the exotic topography that its protagonists would traverse in the course of the story. No matter how fatuous the ensuing tale, the thrill of that initial psycho-geographical encounter kept me coming back for more.

Skempis and Ziogas’ well-curated collection of essays on Greek and Roman epic demonstrate how germane such mental configurations of space are to the process of narration. Even when the epic in question is not explicitly moving its characters along, the association between story and place can be so strong as to unavoidably call specific sites into mind (to many of my generation the opening lines of this review will invariably lead them to Tatooine). Early excursions into the study of epic geography focused on concrete issues: To what extent could authors have obtained first-hand knowledge of the topographies they described? Could the audience of the Argonautica (either version) have successfully navigated their own sea-journeys by following the text? Where exactly was Ithaca? But, just as Tolkien’s maps of Middle Earth tell us more about early twentieth-century geopolitics than the exact distance between the Shire and Minas Tirith, so the places described in Greek and Latin epic serve as a metaspace for exploring (and exploiting) articulations of power, immanence and alterity. The “spatial turn” mediated by philosophers and geographers such as Yi-Fu Tuan, Edward S. Casey and Edward Soja has produced a rich crop of literary studies on the narratology of space, and Skempis and Ziogas’ volume brings together many of the key classical scholars in the field to provide a comprehensive and stimulating guide to epic space.

» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Skempis, MariosRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Ziogas, IoannisRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Bexley, EricaMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Carvounis, KaterinaMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Edwards, Anthony T.MedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Elliott, JackieMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Haubold, JohannesMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Keith, AlisonMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Kyriakidis, StratisMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Lateiner, DonaldMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Manuwald, GesineMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Ormand, KirkMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Parkes, RuthMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Purves, AlexMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Shorrock, RobertMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Sistakou, EvinaMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Slaney, HelenMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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By introducing a multifaceted approach to epic geography, the editors of the volume wish to provide a critical assessment of spatial perception, of its repercussions on shaping narrative as well as of its discursive traits and cultural contexts. Taking the genre-specific boundaries of Greco-Roman epic poetry as a case in point, a team of international scholars examines issues that lie at the heart of modern criticism on human geography. Modern and ancient discourse on space representations revolves around the nation-shaping force of geography, the gendered dynamics of landscapes, the topography of isolation and integration, the politics of imperialism, globalization, environmentalism as well as the power of language and narrative to turn space into place. One of the major aims of the volume is to show that the world of the Classics is not just the origin, but the essence of current debates on spatial constructions and reconstructions.

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