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The Nature of the Beast (Chief Inspector…
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The Nature of the Beast (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #11) (editie 2015)

door Louise Penny

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
2,1701247,645 (4.05)163
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

The Nature of the Beast is a New York Times bestselling Chief Inspector Gamache novel from Louise Penny.
Hardly a day goes by when nine year old Laurent Lepage doesn't cry wolf. From alien invasions, to walking trees, to winged beasts in the woods, to dinosaurs spotted in the village of Three Pines, his tales are so extraordinary no one can possibly believe him. Including Armand and Reine-Marie Gamache, who now live in the little Quebec village.
But when the boy disappears, the villagers are faced with the possibility that one of his tall tales might have been true.
And so begins a frantic search for the boy and the truth. What they uncover deep in the forest sets off a sequence of events that leads to murder, leads to an old crime, leads to an old betrayal. Leads right to the door of an old poet.
And now it is now, writes Ruth Zardo. And the dark thing is here.
A monster once visited Three Pines. And put down deep roots. And now, Ruth knows, it is back.
Armand Gamache, the former head of homicide for the Sret du Qubec, must face the possibility that, in not believing the boy, he himself played a terrible part in what happens next.

.… (meer)
Titel:The Nature of the Beast (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #11)
Auteurs:Louise Penny
Info:Minotaur Books , Kindle Edition, 384 pages

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The Nature of the Beast door Louise Penny

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1-5 van 122 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
One of my favorite series!
I listened to the audiobook and while I miss hearing the voice of the late Ralph Cosham who narrated books 1-10, the new narrator, Robert Bathurst, continues the excellent tradition.

Murder(s) is once again on the table, with the Three Pines "murder magnet" the location this time around. Lots of red herrings and things aren't always what they seem.

The first murder itself is a very sad one; I wish that the author had chosen a different target in the furtherance of this same story. But the cadre of Three Pines inhabitants are up to their usual witty selves in exposing truths. ( )
  deslivres5 | May 23, 2024 |
  TrishLittle | Apr 6, 2024 |
Book 11 Another excellent story.KIRKUS REVIEWIn Inspector Gamache?s 11th outing, the sheltering forest around his small village of Three Pines is revealed to be a hiding place for unexpected evil.Armand Gamache, former head of homicide at the S?ret? du Qu?bec, is learning to let go and be happy with his new life in Three Pines, far from the evil that ate away at him for years. His former colleagues and friends poke fun at him, saying the great inspector will never truly hang up his hat, but these jokes turn deadly serious when an imaginative 9-year-old boy named Laurent is murdered shortly after telling what seemed to be a tall tale about a massive gun wielded by a monster in the woods. When it?s discovered that the boy was not exaggerating even in the slightest, Gamache?s mind quickly switches back to questioning his surroundings and the people who inhabit this spacemany of them his close friends. Chief Inspector Isabelle Lacoste and her right hand, Jean-Guy Beauvoir, take up residence in Three Pines, and with Gamache?s sideline help, they begin to find out what sort of darkness lurks just outside of town. Penny uses her well-known, idyllic setting as the center point of a mystery with global scope and consequences, spanning decades and implicating many, including series veterans. What makes this story most magical, though, is how the many aspects of this spiraling tale can be connected by a Bible verse and related lines from a Yeats poem: ?And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?? It?s with this eye for detail that Penny sketches the ?nature of the beast?¥evil that has the potential to grow even in the most unexpected places. An especially terrifying character returning from Gamache?s past is the perfect reminder of the dark side of human nature, but that side does not always win out.Penny is an expert at pulling away the surface of her characters to expose their deeper¥and often ugly¥layers, always doing so with a direct but compassionate hand.
  bentstoker | Jan 26, 2024 |
(2015) This one of the Inspector Gamache series I probably enjoyed the most. A fast based thriller about a super-gun found near Three Pines and why it was built and the threat it posed to the US. Throw in a war criminal masquerading as a draft dodger living amongst the town and his son murdered because he found the gun. Great stuff. Gamache still retired but helping out LaCoste and Beavoir, well done.Email this reviewKIRKUS REVIEWIn Inspector Gamache's 11th outing, the sheltering forest around his small village of Three Pines is revealed to be a hiding place for unexpected evil.Armand Gamache, former head of homicide at the S?ret? du Qu?bec, is learning to let go and be happy with his new life in Three Pines, far from the evil that ate away at him for years. His former colleagues and friends poke fun at him, saying the great inspector will never truly hang up his hat, but these jokes turn deadly serious when an imaginative 9-year-old boy named Laurent is murdered shortly after telling what seemed to be a tall tale about a massive gun wielded by a monster in the woods. When it's discovered that the boy was not exaggerating even in the slightest, Gamache's mind quickly switches back to questioning his surroundings and the people who inhabit this spacemany of them his close friends. Chief Inspector Isabelle Lacoste and her right hand, Jean-Guy Beauvoir, take up residence in Three Pines, and with Gamache's sideline help, they begin to find out what sort of darkness lurks just outside of town. Penny uses her well-known, idyllic setting as the center point of a mystery with global scope and consequences, spanning decades and implicating many, including series veterans. What makes this story most magical, though, is how the many aspects of this spiraling tale can be connected by a Bible verse and related lines from a Yeats poem: ?And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?? It's with this eye for detail that Penny sketches the ?nature of the beast?¥evil that has the potential to grow even in the most unexpected places. An especially terrifying character returning from Gamache's past is the perfect reminder of the dark side of human nature, but that side does not always win out.Penny is an expert at pulling away the surface of her characters to expose their deeper¥and often ugly¥layers, always doing so with a direct but compassionate hand. Pub Date: Aug. 25th, 2015ISBN: 978-1-250-02208-0Page count: 384ppPublisher: MinotaurReview Posted Online: July 6th, 2015Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 15th, 2015
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
My least favorite of the series - not enough Three Pines. ( )
  GigiB50 | Dec 18, 2023 |
1-5 van 122 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Louise Pennyprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bathurst, RobertVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Goody, Margocover design adapterSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
King, LoreleiProducer & directorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Piggott, Ian ChristopherCover photoSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Rotstein, David BaldeosinghOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wilson, LauraProducerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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“Partly, but I run a bookstore,” said Myrna, looking at the row upon row of books, lining the walls and creating corridors in the open space. “So many of them were banned and burned. That one,” she pointed to the Fahrenheit 451 Clara still had in her hands. “To Kill a Mockingbird. The Adventures of Huck Finn. Even The Diary of Anne Frank. All banned by people who believed they were in the right. Could we be wrong?” “You’re not banning it,” said Clara. “He’s allowed to write and you’re allowed to pull your support.”
If anyone believed in second chances, it was the man who sat before her. She’d been his friend and his unofficial therapist. She’d heard his deepest secrets, and she’d heard his most profound beliefs, and his greatest fears. But now she wondered if she’d really heard them all. And she wondered what demons might be nesting deep inside this man, who specialized in murder.
This isn’t our parents’ generation, Armand. Now people have many chapters to their lives. When I stopped being a therapist I asked myself one question. What do I really want to do? Not for my friends, not for my family. Not for perfect strangers. But for me. Finally. It was my turn, my time.
But suspicion was inevitable and often turned out to be true. People were almost always killed by someone they knew, and knew well, which compounded the tragedy and was probably why, Gamache thought, so many murder victims did not look frightened. They looked surprised.
Clara knew that grief took a terrible toll. It was paid at every birthday, every holiday, each Christmas. It was paid when glimpsing the familiar handwriting, or a hat, or a balled-up sock. Or hearing a creak that could have been, should have been, a footstep. Grief took its toll each morning, each evening, every noon hour as those who were left behind struggled forward.
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

The Nature of the Beast is a New York Times bestselling Chief Inspector Gamache novel from Louise Penny.
Hardly a day goes by when nine year old Laurent Lepage doesn't cry wolf. From alien invasions, to walking trees, to winged beasts in the woods, to dinosaurs spotted in the village of Three Pines, his tales are so extraordinary no one can possibly believe him. Including Armand and Reine-Marie Gamache, who now live in the little Quebec village.
But when the boy disappears, the villagers are faced with the possibility that one of his tall tales might have been true.
And so begins a frantic search for the boy and the truth. What they uncover deep in the forest sets off a sequence of events that leads to murder, leads to an old crime, leads to an old betrayal. Leads right to the door of an old poet.
And now it is now, writes Ruth Zardo. And the dark thing is here.
A monster once visited Three Pines. And put down deep roots. And now, Ruth knows, it is back.
Armand Gamache, the former head of homicide for the Sret du Qubec, must face the possibility that, in not believing the boy, he himself played a terrible part in what happens next.


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