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Barron's AP Physics 1 and 2

door Kenneth Rideout

Reeksen: Barron's AP

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This brand new book provides in-depth review for the new Physics 1 and Physics 2 exams. Taken over a two year period, these courses replace the old Physics B course. Course content revolves about the 7 "Big Ideas" of physics, which encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes of discipline. Barron's AP Physics 1 and 2 offers in-depth review for both exams and includes: Four practice tests reflecting the new AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 exams Diagnostic tests that help students to target areas where they need more study Practice questions and review that cover all test areas The book can be purchased alone or with an optional CD-ROM that presents two additional full-length practice tests with automatic scoring and fully explained answers.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorRobert_Ferro, RobertFerro, GDQ
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This brand new book provides in-depth review for the new Physics 1 and Physics 2 exams. Taken over a two year period, these courses replace the old Physics B course. Course content revolves about the 7 "Big Ideas" of physics, which encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes of discipline. Barron's AP Physics 1 and 2 offers in-depth review for both exams and includes: Four practice tests reflecting the new AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 exams Diagnostic tests that help students to target areas where they need more study Practice questions and review that cover all test areas The book can be purchased alone or with an optional CD-ROM that presents two additional full-length practice tests with automatic scoring and fully explained answers.

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