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Handbook of NeuroLeadership

door Dr. David Rock

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Neuroleadership is a new field of study drawing on the latest brain research to improve the quality of leadership and leadership development. The field is based on the neuroscience of four leadership activities: how leaders make decisions and solve problems, regulate their emotions, collaborate with others and facilitate change. These four domains provide a foundation for both research and education. The field emerged out of an international summit in Asolo, Italy in 2007 and since then has continued to develop across annual Summits around the globe and with the publication of a peer reviewed journal, along with academic education and hundreds of student-led research projects.This edited volume publishes original empirical studies as reviews of the literature in order to give the reader easy access to the state of the art in NeuroLeadership. It brings together some of the most important research published to date, drawing from the most influential papers published in all the NeuroLeadership Journals between 2008 and 2013.This volume holds contributions of 52 authors from 5 countries, representing some of the major neuroscience laboratories around the world, including Columbia, Notre Dame, NYU and UCLA. Topics include research on staying cool under pressure, the brain's braking system, the SCARF model, the neuroscience of engagement, the Healthy Mind Platter and many others. There are also key discussion papers about the development of the field as well as several early case studies on using neuroscience to improve leadership.Designed for executives, organizational development, talent management, human resources and learning professionals, as well as educators and students, this volume is a valuable resource for getting up to speed on the core research in the field to date, and as a starting point for future research and development.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doormeelib, mvent87, TBrugnera, shartman
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Neuroleadership is a new field of study drawing on the latest brain research to improve the quality of leadership and leadership development. The field is based on the neuroscience of four leadership activities: how leaders make decisions and solve problems, regulate their emotions, collaborate with others and facilitate change. These four domains provide a foundation for both research and education. The field emerged out of an international summit in Asolo, Italy in 2007 and since then has continued to develop across annual Summits around the globe and with the publication of a peer reviewed journal, along with academic education and hundreds of student-led research projects.This edited volume publishes original empirical studies as reviews of the literature in order to give the reader easy access to the state of the art in NeuroLeadership. It brings together some of the most important research published to date, drawing from the most influential papers published in all the NeuroLeadership Journals between 2008 and 2013.This volume holds contributions of 52 authors from 5 countries, representing some of the major neuroscience laboratories around the world, including Columbia, Notre Dame, NYU and UCLA. Topics include research on staying cool under pressure, the brain's braking system, the SCARF model, the neuroscience of engagement, the Healthy Mind Platter and many others. There are also key discussion papers about the development of the field as well as several early case studies on using neuroscience to improve leadership.Designed for executives, organizational development, talent management, human resources and learning professionals, as well as educators and students, this volume is a valuable resource for getting up to speed on the core research in the field to date, and as a starting point for future research and development.

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