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Food in the Ancient World (Ancient Cultures)

door John Wilkins, Shaun Hill

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In Food in the Ancient World, a respected classicist and a practising world-class chef explore a millennium of eating and drinking. Explores a millennium of food consumption, from c.750 BC to 200 AD. Shows the pivotal role food had in a world where it was linked with morality and the social order. Concerns people from all walks of life - impoverished citizens subsisting on cereals to the meat-eating elites. Describes religious sacrifices, ancient dinner parties and drinking bouts, as well as exotic foods and recipes. Considers the role of food in ancient literature from Homer to Juvenal and Petronius.… (meer)
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John Wilkinsprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Hill, Shaunprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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In Food in the Ancient World, a respected classicist and a practising world-class chef explore a millennium of eating and drinking. Explores a millennium of food consumption, from c.750 BC to 200 AD. Shows the pivotal role food had in a world where it was linked with morality and the social order. Concerns people from all walks of life - impoverished citizens subsisting on cereals to the meat-eating elites. Describes religious sacrifices, ancient dinner parties and drinking bouts, as well as exotic foods and recipes. Considers the role of food in ancient literature from Homer to Juvenal and Petronius.

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