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You're Wrong: A Passionate Paranormal Romance (Bridesmailds, Weddings & Honeymoons) (Volume 3)

door Maggie Tideswell

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Assumptions are invariably incorrect. Yet, people will stick with what they believe. Just as Rubi believed herself to me married for six years, until it was proven that she'd never been married at all. Finding herself a free agent again after years of waiting for her elusive husband, Rubi needed a man.Upset by the echoes of her sordid past, Nathan walked into her life at precisely the right moment. Handsome, hot, and gay, he could only be a temporary distraction, or so she assumed. But what she didn't take into account was that Nathan might have other plans for her. Even so, she wanted the real thing-a relationship, stability, and love-and Nathan couldn't give that to her. Or so she assumed.To prove her wrong about him, he abducted her and took her to the place where they first met, at Dane and Eloise's wedding the week before. Back at the lodge, they find themselves in the same haunted room. Between the ghosts and Rubi's insistence that he is gay, would Nathan succeed in changing her perception of him?To add to her doubts, there's also the matter of a certain secret he's not ready to share.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorMaggieTideswell

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Assumptions are invariably incorrect. Yet, people will stick with what they believe. Just as Rubi believed herself to me married for six years, until it was proven that she'd never been married at all. Finding herself a free agent again after years of waiting for her elusive husband, Rubi needed a man.Upset by the echoes of her sordid past, Nathan walked into her life at precisely the right moment. Handsome, hot, and gay, he could only be a temporary distraction, or so she assumed. But what she didn't take into account was that Nathan might have other plans for her. Even so, she wanted the real thing-a relationship, stability, and love-and Nathan couldn't give that to her. Or so she assumed.To prove her wrong about him, he abducted her and took her to the place where they first met, at Dane and Eloise's wedding the week before. Back at the lodge, they find themselves in the same haunted room. Between the ghosts and Rubi's insistence that he is gay, would Nathan succeed in changing her perception of him?To add to her doubts, there's also the matter of a certain secret he's not ready to share.

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