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TextAppeal - For Guys!: The Ultimate Texting Guide

door Michael Masters

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From the Author: Wouldn't you like to know:Why she text you so much before but now NOTHING??Why your multiple texts are killing the attraction? Why she is playing so hard to get? If she actually is interested in you? How to have her text you back immediately?How to safely flirt with the amazing results?How to have her waiting for your text rather than the opposite???What if...She were the one texting you all of the time?You could get her to respond, right now!?You could get that really hot girl to finally pay attention to you?You stopped feeling so much anxiety over that one girl because too many girls were paying attention to you??I promise you this, if you read this book and apply it's principles, you will have so much more success with women. Imagine, all of the cash you are leaving on the table by not understanding how to get what you want! Imagine, all of those dates, with so many hot girls that you didn't go on simply because you couldn't text right! Seriously, texting incorrectly can crush your chances with women permanently. I can't tell you how many women have vented to me their frustrations at what you are doing. These women WANT you to understand, they WANT you to say the right things! But like breaking wind mid sex, it is incredibly easy to snuff attraction. Let me teach you to really understand the opposite sex, and land that date with that really hot/amazing girl. -Mike Masters… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doordabar_thoreau, spiritdoctor, top19
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From the Author: Wouldn't you like to know:Why she text you so much before but now NOTHING??Why your multiple texts are killing the attraction? Why she is playing so hard to get? If she actually is interested in you? How to have her text you back immediately?How to safely flirt with the amazing results?How to have her waiting for your text rather than the opposite???What if...She were the one texting you all of the time?You could get her to respond, right now!?You could get that really hot girl to finally pay attention to you?You stopped feeling so much anxiety over that one girl because too many girls were paying attention to you??I promise you this, if you read this book and apply it's principles, you will have so much more success with women. Imagine, all of the cash you are leaving on the table by not understanding how to get what you want! Imagine, all of those dates, with so many hot girls that you didn't go on simply because you couldn't text right! Seriously, texting incorrectly can crush your chances with women permanently. I can't tell you how many women have vented to me their frustrations at what you are doing. These women WANT you to understand, they WANT you to say the right things! But like breaking wind mid sex, it is incredibly easy to snuff attraction. Let me teach you to really understand the opposite sex, and land that date with that really hot/amazing girl. -Mike Masters

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