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Oh the Moon: Stories from the Tortured Mind of Charlyne Yi

door Charlyne Yi

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10Geen1,894,427 (1.33)Geen
From actress, comedian, musician, and writer Charlyne Yi comes this collection of illustrated, interconnected short stories and anecdotes that blends comedy, fantastic adventures, and a storm of  feelings that will make you want to laugh and cry at the same time--reminiscent of the works of Demetri Martin, Shel Silverstein and John Cassavetes. Charlyne Yi takes readers from a sky filled with vengeful clouds to the depths of a frog's stomach, and to Hell and back--literally--in this collection of short stories that showcases her unique style. Equal parts whimsical, hilarious, heartbreaking, and terrifying, these short stories--both written and illustrated by Charlyne--can be read separately, but are connected thematically following the difficulties of love at every age: * Forgive Me: What happens when the tiniest boy of all time is the only thing standing between the world's largest baby and an angry mob? Who could ever love something so small? Or so big? * She's All Legs: In this spicy, action-packed romance, Agatha, a woman who is literally just legs and a head, decides to hunt down and kill the Devil himself. Along the way she meets Cassady, an Elvis impersonator with his own, mysterious gripe with the Dark Lord. Short, one-page anecdotes, poems, reflections, and imagery are also included. Strange, heartfelt, and wonderful, Oh the Moon shows you love in the way that only Charlyne Yi's brilliant, witty mind can.… (meer)
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From actress, comedian, musician, and writer Charlyne Yi comes this collection of illustrated, interconnected short stories and anecdotes that blends comedy, fantastic adventures, and a storm of  feelings that will make you want to laugh and cry at the same time--reminiscent of the works of Demetri Martin, Shel Silverstein and John Cassavetes. Charlyne Yi takes readers from a sky filled with vengeful clouds to the depths of a frog's stomach, and to Hell and back--literally--in this collection of short stories that showcases her unique style. Equal parts whimsical, hilarious, heartbreaking, and terrifying, these short stories--both written and illustrated by Charlyne--can be read separately, but are connected thematically following the difficulties of love at every age: * Forgive Me: What happens when the tiniest boy of all time is the only thing standing between the world's largest baby and an angry mob? Who could ever love something so small? Or so big? * She's All Legs: In this spicy, action-packed romance, Agatha, a woman who is literally just legs and a head, decides to hunt down and kill the Devil himself. Along the way she meets Cassady, an Elvis impersonator with his own, mysterious gripe with the Dark Lord. Short, one-page anecdotes, poems, reflections, and imagery are also included. Strange, heartfelt, and wonderful, Oh the Moon shows you love in the way that only Charlyne Yi's brilliant, witty mind can.

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