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Catholic Theology (Doing Theology)

door Tracey Rowland

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45Geen579,517 (4.5)Geen
Rowland showcases here the dominant contemporary approaches to doing Catholic theology. Chapter 1 offers a summary of the two International Theological Commission (ITC) documents on the discipline of Catholic theology. These documents set out the general principles which should govern any approach to Catholic theology (at least according to the ITC). The subsequent chapters each focus on one of four different approaches frequently found in contemporary Catholic academies: the approach of Thomists, members of the Communio milieu, members of the Concilium milieu and promoters of different varieties of Liberation Theology. Rowland's work is pitched at the level of first time students of theology who are trying to make sense of the methodological choices which undergird the different approaches to Catholic theology. Rowland concludes with four appendices: a list of all Doctors of the Church, a list of all encyclicals since the 19th century, a list of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and a list of definitions of the various Christological heresies which were the subject of the debates of the early Church Councils. These appendices will provide useful reference tables for young scholars, including seminarians.… (meer)
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Rowland showcases here the dominant contemporary approaches to doing Catholic theology. Chapter 1 offers a summary of the two International Theological Commission (ITC) documents on the discipline of Catholic theology. These documents set out the general principles which should govern any approach to Catholic theology (at least according to the ITC). The subsequent chapters each focus on one of four different approaches frequently found in contemporary Catholic academies: the approach of Thomists, members of the Communio milieu, members of the Concilium milieu and promoters of different varieties of Liberation Theology. Rowland's work is pitched at the level of first time students of theology who are trying to make sense of the methodological choices which undergird the different approaches to Catholic theology. Rowland concludes with four appendices: a list of all Doctors of the Church, a list of all encyclicals since the 19th century, a list of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and a list of definitions of the various Christological heresies which were the subject of the debates of the early Church Councils. These appendices will provide useful reference tables for young scholars, including seminarians.

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