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The Project Management Institute Project…
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The Project Management Institute Project Management Handbook (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series) (editie 1998)

door Jeffrey K. Pinto

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The Definitive Guide to the Field's Best PracticesIn recent years, project management has become a profession unto itself. And with a membership numbering in the tens of thousands, the Project Management Institute is the organization that's setting the profession's standards. In this authoritative handbook, more than twenty-five top experts from academia, consulting, and private industry define the current state of project management and detail for readers all of the practical elements that constitute a superior practice. In clear, accessible language, these experts provide a comprehensive overview of the technical, organizational, administrative, and interpersonal elements of successful project management. They detail the essentials of project planning--from risk management to resource allocation to scheduling. They describe the team-building, motivational, and conflict-management challenges that project leaders face. And they delineate critical success factors as well as major pitfalls to avoid. At last, project managers across all industries can readily reference the best practices of their profession and benchmark their skills against those of their most accomplished colleagues.… (meer)
Titel:The Project Management Institute Project Management Handbook (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
Auteurs:Jeffrey K. Pinto
Info:Jossey-Bass (1998), Hardcover, 496 pages
Verzamelingen:eBook, Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst, Aan het lezen, Te lezen
Trefwoorden:to-read, Goodreads_import

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The Project Management Institute Project Management Handbook (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series) door Jeffrey K. Pinto

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The Definitive Guide to the Field's Best PracticesIn recent years, project management has become a profession unto itself. And with a membership numbering in the tens of thousands, the Project Management Institute is the organization that's setting the profession's standards. In this authoritative handbook, more than twenty-five top experts from academia, consulting, and private industry define the current state of project management and detail for readers all of the practical elements that constitute a superior practice. In clear, accessible language, these experts provide a comprehensive overview of the technical, organizational, administrative, and interpersonal elements of successful project management. They detail the essentials of project planning--from risk management to resource allocation to scheduling. They describe the team-building, motivational, and conflict-management challenges that project leaders face. And they delineate critical success factors as well as major pitfalls to avoid. At last, project managers across all industries can readily reference the best practices of their profession and benchmark their skills against those of their most accomplished colleagues.

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