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Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion

door Gabi Garcia

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276696,940 (4.61)Geen
"In today's hypercompetitive world, kids often internalize the message that their worth is attached to their accomplishments and that messing up is something to be ashamed of, rather than a normal part of life, which can lead to critical self-talk. Listening with My Heart reminds us of the other golden rule--to treat ourselves like we would treat a friend. When we do this, we are practicing self-compassion."--… (meer)
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The writer is right on with this book. Teaching kids that their total self-worth is not tied to their accomplishments is difficult. We can feel good about ourselves when we find a unique rock or a stray kitty that needs to be rescued. The book teaches kids just because there is one imperfect thing that happened doesn’t mean the child is imperfect. I’ve been a foster parent. I’m going to recommend this book to other foster parents. ( )
  NancyB.Div | Sep 15, 2023 |
"We talk to kids a lot about how to be friends to others, but not much about how to be friends to themselves. Yet self-acceptance and positive self-talk help them build emotional resilience, happiness and well-being.

When Esperanza finds a heart shaped rock, she sees it as a reminder to spread kindness and love in the world. But when the school play doesn’t go the way she’d hoped, will she remember to show it to herself?

Listening with my heart reminds us of the importance of being friends to ourselves. It also touches on the universal themes of friendship, empathy and kindness. Includes mindfulness and self-compassion activities.

A wonderful addition to any home or school library! Free resources to accompany this book can be found at

(Available in Spanish as: Escuchando con mi Corazón.)

4-8 Years."
  CDJLibrary | Sep 28, 2021 |
Esperanza finds a heart shaped rock and sees this as a reminder to be kind and spread love. She goes on to spread kindness and love to everyone she encounters. When she messes up at the play, she does not pay herself the same respect. I haven't read a book quite like this one. I love the message and meaning behind the book. There are many books that talk about being kind to others, but not many that talk about being kind to yourself. Often times in life we are the hardest on ourselves and it is important remember that we too deserve kindness and compassions because just like everyone else we are not perfect, and we will make mistakes. ( )
  BobbieHenriques | Apr 27, 2020 |
This is a cute book dealing with being Friends.
  lesabrn | Mar 5, 2019 |
Story about a girl who finds heart shaped rock. It reminds her to be kind to others, but she needs to learn to be kind to herself. Pierce County Library. Kindergarten through 2nd grade
  miki.odonnell.1 | Jun 3, 2018 |
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"In today's hypercompetitive world, kids often internalize the message that their worth is attached to their accomplishments and that messing up is something to be ashamed of, rather than a normal part of life, which can lead to critical self-talk. Listening with My Heart reminds us of the other golden rule--to treat ourselves like we would treat a friend. When we do this, we are practicing self-compassion."--

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