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Beyond the Grave: The Right Way and the Wrong Way of Leaving Money to Your Children (And Others)

door Gerald M. Condon, Jeffrey L. Condon

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42Geen615,295 (3)Geen
A loved one's death is painful enough. Why should your survivors suffer more by squabbling over their inheritance? Beyond the Grave is the first book to show you how to: Prevent common family bickering that arises when parents die Protect your child's inheritance from an ex-spouse, creditor, cult, or addiction Compel your children to share their inheritance when they couldn't share their toys Divide the family home without dividing your family Protect your surviving spouse from pushy kids, greedy caretakers, and charming cheats Leave more to your family and less to Uncle Sam Prevent a charity from using your donation to buy Cadillacs for its executives Beyond the Grave factors human nature into estate planning, with common sense and "tough love" advice for making tough but loving decisions concerning the welfare of our survivors through life -- and beyond death. It's a must-have, before it's too late.… (meer)
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Gerald M. Condonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Condon, Jeffrey L.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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ISBN 0887307973 is for the first edition; not the 2001 revised edition
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A loved one's death is painful enough. Why should your survivors suffer more by squabbling over their inheritance? Beyond the Grave is the first book to show you how to: Prevent common family bickering that arises when parents die Protect your child's inheritance from an ex-spouse, creditor, cult, or addiction Compel your children to share their inheritance when they couldn't share their toys Divide the family home without dividing your family Protect your surviving spouse from pushy kids, greedy caretakers, and charming cheats Leave more to your family and less to Uncle Sam Prevent a charity from using your donation to buy Cadillacs for its executives Beyond the Grave factors human nature into estate planning, with common sense and "tough love" advice for making tough but loving decisions concerning the welfare of our survivors through life -- and beyond death. It's a must-have, before it's too late.

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