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Celtic FC - the Ireland Connection

door Brian McGuirk

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Celtic Football Club has a huge support in Ireland, many of whom regularly travel to watch their team in Glasgow or follow them on TV. Now CELTIC FC #150; The Ireland Connection explores the deep-rooted links between Celtic Football Club, Ireland and the 90 million supporters of Irish descent throughout the world #150; links which include the club’s founder Brother Walfrid from Sligo; the first sod of turf on Celtic Park in 1892 from Donegal; why the Irish flag flies over the stadium; Celtic’s first manager, Willie Maley from Newry; emigration from Ireland to Scotl∧ and the many Irish players and staff who have played or managed at Celtic. A fascinating, must-read book for supporters of Celtic Football Club in Ireland, Scotland and around the world.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorportlaoisecbs, mcswine67
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Celtic Football Club has a huge support in Ireland, many of whom regularly travel to watch their team in Glasgow or follow them on TV. Now CELTIC FC #150; The Ireland Connection explores the deep-rooted links between Celtic Football Club, Ireland and the 90 million supporters of Irish descent throughout the world #150; links which include the club’s founder Brother Walfrid from Sligo; the first sod of turf on Celtic Park in 1892 from Donegal; why the Irish flag flies over the stadium; Celtic’s first manager, Willie Maley from Newry; emigration from Ireland to Scotl∧ and the many Irish players and staff who have played or managed at Celtic. A fascinating, must-read book for supporters of Celtic Football Club in Ireland, Scotland and around the world.

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