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Danish Phase 1, Units 1-10: Learn to Speak and Understand Danish with Pimsleur Language Programs (Compact)

door Pimsleur

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Danish is derived from Old Norse. Because of the large number of similarities between Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish, knowledge of any one of these languages makes it possible to understand the others. This is true for both spoken and written forms. This Compact course provides an introduction to the Danish language with ten thirty-minute lessons of spoken language practice and Reading Lessons. With this product you start from zero, learning first survival phrases and vocabulary, then progressing to speaking and understanding at a functional level. Every lesson contains an introductory conversation, and isolated vocabulary and structures, as well as full practice for all vocabulary introduced. Emphasis on pronunciation and comprehension. At the completion of this course, you'll have a basic vocabulary and speak with a near-native accent. This course provides you with a solid foundation upon which to expand your language skills. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format. The Pimsleur(R) Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun. You'll be speaking and understanding in no time flat… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorSpencerBrent

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Danish is derived from Old Norse. Because of the large number of similarities between Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish, knowledge of any one of these languages makes it possible to understand the others. This is true for both spoken and written forms. This Compact course provides an introduction to the Danish language with ten thirty-minute lessons of spoken language practice and Reading Lessons. With this product you start from zero, learning first survival phrases and vocabulary, then progressing to speaking and understanding at a functional level. Every lesson contains an introductory conversation, and isolated vocabulary and structures, as well as full practice for all vocabulary introduced. Emphasis on pronunciation and comprehension. At the completion of this course, you'll have a basic vocabulary and speak with a near-native accent. This course provides you with a solid foundation upon which to expand your language skills. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format. The Pimsleur(R) Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun. You'll be speaking and understanding in no time flat

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