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Mythology door Edith Hamilton
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Mythology (origineel 1942; editie 2000)

door Edith Hamilton (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
15,27890374 (3.94)128
Monsters, mortals, gods, and warriors: For over sixty years readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the thrilling, enchanting, and fascinating world of Western mythology. From Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom, Edith Hamilton's classic collection not only retells these stories with brilliant clarity but shows us how the ancients saw their own place in the world and how their themes echo in our consciousness today. An essential part of every home library, Mythology is the definitive volume for anyone who wants to know the key dramas, the primary characters, the triumphs, failures, fears, and hopes first narrated thousands of years ago-and still spellbinding to this day.… (meer)
Auteurs:Edith Hamilton (Auteur)
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Mythology door Edith Hamilton (1942)

  1. 70
    Greek Gods and Heroes door Robert Graves (kxlly)
  2. 40
    The Greek Myths {complete} door Robert Graves (Anonieme gebruiker)
  3. 20
    Het wordend aangezicht door C. S. Lewis (sibyllacumaea)
  4. 20
    Penelope de mythe van de vrouw van Odysseus door Margaret Atwood (sibyllacumaea)
  5. 21
    De gouden tak over mythen, magie en religie door James George Frazer (infiniteletters)
  6. 10
    D'Aulaire's book of Greek myths door Ingri d'Aulaire (Anonieme gebruiker)
  7. 00
    Passies door Marguerite Yourcenar (sibyllacumaea)
  8. 00
    The Norse Myths door Kevin Crossley-Holland (RickyHaas)
    RickyHaas: Both books center on mythology (obviously). The Norse Myths is more focused on a specific mythology. Whereas Mythology is a broader scope with a heavier focus on Greek/Roman Mythology.
  9. 00
    Classical Mythology door Elizabeth Vandiver (themulhern, themulhern)
    themulhern: One is a scholarly examination of classical mythology the other is, primarily, a scholarly retelling of classical mythology. Obvious compliments.
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» Zie ook 128 vermeldingen

Engels (84)  Spaans (1)  Frans (1)  Alle talen (86)
1-5 van 86 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This is a great book! It is excellent how the author uses quotes from original works frequently, and makes the stories interesting and fun to read. Also very good for referencing different myths. ( )
  RFritz | Aug 25, 2024 |
As an avid reader, I wanted a resource that would give me enough information about Greek and Roman mythology that I could encounter most references in other literature without having to Google them. As a writer, I wanted something that would show me which myths connect to my own creative essence. This book provided me with both. Hamilton's summaries are both interesting and easily approachable, even for someone with minimal knowledge of mythology. While I wouldn't use this as my only source for mythological knowledge, it's a good jutting off point. Nevertheless, I did have a few qualms. Firstly, there are no actual citations in this work. Secondly, Hamilton too frequently disrupts the flow of her narration by including her personal judgments of the original writers or the content. Lastly, the section on Norse mythology seemed like a forced, poorly handled add on. Despite this, I still really enjoyed this work. ( )
  AngelReadsThings | Aug 9, 2024 |
Excellent source for reference! Also, this 75th Anniversary Edition is a beautifully crafted book from the dust cover, to the art to the fonts - it has been a joy to read! ( )
  s_carr | Feb 25, 2024 |
Before Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, there was Edith Hamilton's version of the myths. This book was meant to be an introduction to the myths - of Roman, Greek, and Norse. This book was part of my high school English class. Required reading to be discussed and tested and I was happy to have this book.

This book was my first introduction to myths. I had not read anything about them in the past as I held no interest in them. They held no interest and certainly were not needed in the three years of high school. This book was placed in my hands during one-afternoon class and told that this would be the subject for the next six weeks.

You know from previous entries that I do not play well when I am told that I have to read a book and that has always held true even in high school. In high school, I fell in love with not only history but with the mythology of all cultures and religions. This book was meant to be an introduction to these worlds, a reference, and short stories packaged nicely into a book.

This is the book that introduced me to one of my favorite myths - Hades and Persephone.

This book has since opened doors to other more detailed books on myths and their stories. Because of this book, I am thankful for it. I am thankful that I did not write this book off as something forced but something to enjoy. I will keep coming back to this book each time I want just a little nostalgia. ( )
  Revengelyne | Apr 29, 2023 |
Scholarly in a way that most retellings of the Greek, Roman, and Norse myths are not. A discussion of the originals of many of the stories, with commentary. Quotations from translations of the poets. A discussion of the purpose and meaning of the myths and what place they have in our cultural heritage.

The illustrations by Steele Savage seem rather arbitrarily chosen. I found the color illustrations by Jim Tierney in the 25th anniversary edition unappealing, but the decorations were fine and the book itself is pleasantly bulky. Both editions have quite a few family trees. ( )
  themulhern | Nov 12, 2022 |
1-5 van 86 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Edith Hamiltonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Beughem, Abeth deVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Conejero Ciriza, ValentínVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Foltzer, ChristineArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Hajilton, RuthSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Kaalep, AinSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Liebl, ElisabethVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Martinez, JohnArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
McClain, RachelOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Pinheiro, Maria LuisaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Savage, SteeleIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Tierney, JimArtistSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Tiidus, HardiTÕlkija.Secundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Toren, SuzanneVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wormell, ChrisIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Of old the Hellenic race was marked off from the barbarian as more keen-witted and more free from nonsense
— Herodotus I
Eerste woorden
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Greek and Roman mythology is quite generally supposed to show us how the human race thought and felt untold ages ago.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (6)

Monsters, mortals, gods, and warriors: For over sixty years readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the thrilling, enchanting, and fascinating world of Western mythology. From Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom, Edith Hamilton's classic collection not only retells these stories with brilliant clarity but shows us how the ancients saw their own place in the world and how their themes echo in our consciousness today. An essential part of every home library, Mythology is the definitive volume for anyone who wants to know the key dramas, the primary characters, the triumphs, failures, fears, and hopes first narrated thousands of years ago-and still spellbinding to this day.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
1 18
1.5 5
2 71
2.5 17
3 312
3.5 64
4 608
4.5 42
5 463

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