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Smart Girl Swept Away

door Denise Swanson

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When author Sheridan Davis is forced to return to Sutton Falls, Illinois to care for her estranged father, the last person she wants to run into is Ridge Sutton. Meeting Ridge, who has matured from handsome to gorgeous, while she looks as if she's spent the night in a cardboard box is so not how Sheridan pictured seeing her high school crush again. Ridge is stunned that he didn't recognize Sheridan. As often as he's thought about her, her image should be permanently imprinted on his brain. Ridge is tired of being dependable. Tired of trying to live up to his mother's expectations. And most of all, tired of the life in which he'd allowed himself to become trapped. Tricked into a disastrous marriage that ended in a divorce and stuck in the role of Sutton Falls' mayor, Ridge is ready for a change. With the town under the threat of a flood, and the levee that could save it owned by the Davis family, Ridge must balance his personal desires against his duty to the citizens of Sutton Falls. While floodwaters creep higher and higher, can Sheridan and Ridge make peace with their past? Or will their growing love be swept away in a sea of doubt? Contains mature themes.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorNevermore666
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When author Sheridan Davis is forced to return to Sutton Falls, Illinois to care for her estranged father, the last person she wants to run into is Ridge Sutton. Meeting Ridge, who has matured from handsome to gorgeous, while she looks as if she's spent the night in a cardboard box is so not how Sheridan pictured seeing her high school crush again. Ridge is stunned that he didn't recognize Sheridan. As often as he's thought about her, her image should be permanently imprinted on his brain. Ridge is tired of being dependable. Tired of trying to live up to his mother's expectations. And most of all, tired of the life in which he'd allowed himself to become trapped. Tricked into a disastrous marriage that ended in a divorce and stuck in the role of Sutton Falls' mayor, Ridge is ready for a change. With the town under the threat of a flood, and the levee that could save it owned by the Davis family, Ridge must balance his personal desires against his duty to the citizens of Sutton Falls. While floodwaters creep higher and higher, can Sheridan and Ridge make peace with their past? Or will their growing love be swept away in a sea of doubt? Contains mature themes.

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