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A bright shining lie : John Paul Vann and…
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A bright shining lie : John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (editie 1988)

door Neil Sheehan

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
2,214347,461 (4.22)67
Biography & Autobiography. History. Military. Nonfiction. HTML:

One of the most acclaimed books of our timethe definitive Vietnam War expos and the winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award.
When he came to Vietnam in 1962, Lieutenant Colonel John Paul Vann was the one clear-sighted participant in an enterprise riddled with arrogance and self-deception, a charismatic soldier who put his life and career on the line in an attempt to convince his superiors that the war should be fought another way. By the time he died in 1972, Vann had embraced the follies he once decried. He died believing that the war had been won.
In this magisterial book, a monument of history and biography that was awarded the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction, a renowned journalist tells the story of John Vann"the one irreplaceable American in Vietnam"and of the tragedy that destroyed a country and squandered so much of America's young manhood and resources.

.… (meer)
Titel:A bright shining lie : John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam
Auteurs:Neil Sheehan
Info:New York : Vintage Books, 1989, c1988.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam door Neil Sheehan (Author)

  1. 00
    Het Spel der Tronen door George R. R. Martin (Anonieme gebruiker)
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1-5 van 33 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Excellent story of one man's journey through the Vietnam war, from 1962 to 1972. Massive book, at 790 pages, but well worth the effort for the information contained. The author was a reporter in Vietnam and new Vann personally.
( )
  SteveCarl | Jun 24, 2024 |
I was very tired of John Paul Vann by the end of the second volume. Several times while reading I questioned why we needed to read all the prurient details of Vann's nightlife and questionable morals.

However, it all adds to a heck of a tale, and if there is a better one-man representation of US efforts is our Vietnam war I haven't heard of him. ( )
  kcshankd | Apr 11, 2024 |
During June of 1971 my commanding officer pointed out the sharply-dressed person talking with a pair of uniformed folks beside the road in Pleiku's MACV Team 21 complex. He told me something to the effect that I was seeing a civilian who'd been appointed to the job of a two-star general. I think CWO2 Walraven also told me a little bit of John Vann's previous history, but his main point was wonder at the oddity. I'd be discharged before Vann died about a year later, but I noticed his name in the news when the death happened. Then from time to time I'd see him mentioned in my reading, which made me interested in his biography.

So: When this book was first published I bought a copy, read it, found it interesting, and had an interesting discussion with my barber about it. Her husband had somehow encountered Vann during his career, so she was also curious about Vann's life. In her mind Vann was an interesting character she'd heard a bit about.

My first reading of this book was largely an effort to understand Vann. My recent reading was much more about understanding my generation's Southeast Asian war. The book serves both purposes well, though I'd certainly not recommend it as your only source of information about the Vietnam war. It is, though, one perspective that certainly merits your attention.

A Bright Shining Lie is well-researched and well-written, with lots of discussion about how the American military approached the Vietnam war. The second chapter is the best short history I've seen of the events that brought the United States into Vietnam, and how it stumbled into a war. It touches on politics, on the biases of American diplomacy and military leadership, and on the serious problems created by the South Vietnamese leadership. There's also a lot of description of operational realities faced by American soldiers. And, of course, it covers the life of John Paul Vann, who was seriously flawed but extremely capable.

Most books about the Vietnam war either concentrate at the command and/or political aspects of the conflict OR they concentrate on the experience of the soldiers who fought it. This book, partly because of the details of Vann's career, manages to address both.

It's a good book. I'm glad I reread it. ( )
  joeldinda | Mar 20, 2024 |
Along with Dispatches by Michael Herr a complete history of the Vietnam War.
  Mark_Feltskog | Dec 23, 2023 |
Read this on audiobook from EWS to LS Co in 2020. Gave incredible insight on Vietnam War and gave much more perspective on the war that I did not previously know or understand. Recommend to anyone studying the Vietnam War.
  SDWets | Sep 6, 2023 |
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We had also, to all the visitors who came over their,
been one of the bright shining lies.

—John Paul Vann
to a U.S. Army historian,
July 1963
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.

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A First Time for Maria and Catherine
And for my Mother and Kitty
Eerste woorden
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It was a funeral to which they all came. They gathered in the red brick chapel beside the cemetery gate.
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Canonieke LCC
Biography & Autobiography. History. Military. Nonfiction. HTML:

One of the most acclaimed books of our timethe definitive Vietnam War expos and the winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award.
When he came to Vietnam in 1962, Lieutenant Colonel John Paul Vann was the one clear-sighted participant in an enterprise riddled with arrogance and self-deception, a charismatic soldier who put his life and career on the line in an attempt to convince his superiors that the war should be fought another way. By the time he died in 1972, Vann had embraced the follies he once decried. He died believing that the war had been won.
In this magisterial book, a monument of history and biography that was awarded the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction, a renowned journalist tells the story of John Vann"the one irreplaceable American in Vietnam"and of the tragedy that destroyed a country and squandered so much of America's young manhood and resources.


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Gemiddelde: (4.22)
2 5
3 46
3.5 12
4 114
4.5 23
5 123

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