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Developing a Christian Mind

door Oliver R. Barclay

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39Geen655,423 (3.33)Geen
Having a Christian mind is considered important in the New Testament - Jesus himself told us to give attention to it. But what exactly is a 'Christian mind'... and how does it work in practice? What happens when we try to love God with all our mind, as well as with all our heart and soul and strength? Does it mean that we have to become intellectuals? Certainly not! It will have an intellectual aspect for intellectual people, of course, but in the New Testament it is something very practical and down to earth. Because our minds are involved in the simplest decisions, the challenge to develop a 'Christian mind' is something we cannot escape, being either obedient or disobedient in the matter. Either we try to please God by loving him with all our mind, or we avoid this responsibility, hoping that somehow a mindless love is good enough. Every Christian who has been spiritually renewed has a new mind. Our task is to love God with all of it. It is easy to be inconsistent, and discover that we are being more controlled by a non-Christian outlook than we realise - often with tragic practical results. The Christian who is willing to refuse bribes, or shun immorality, or speak the truth to his own loss, or make professional sacrifices in order to help the poor, or preach the gospel, represents the victory of a Christian mind over our normal self-seeking. He has made up his mind to please God rather than himself. The relativistic post-modern mind is desperately in need of a reference point - whilst denying the possibility of its existence. Developing a Christian Mind provides that reference point.… (meer)
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Having a Christian mind is considered important in the New Testament - Jesus himself told us to give attention to it. But what exactly is a 'Christian mind'... and how does it work in practice? What happens when we try to love God with all our mind, as well as with all our heart and soul and strength? Does it mean that we have to become intellectuals? Certainly not! It will have an intellectual aspect for intellectual people, of course, but in the New Testament it is something very practical and down to earth. Because our minds are involved in the simplest decisions, the challenge to develop a 'Christian mind' is something we cannot escape, being either obedient or disobedient in the matter. Either we try to please God by loving him with all our mind, or we avoid this responsibility, hoping that somehow a mindless love is good enough. Every Christian who has been spiritually renewed has a new mind. Our task is to love God with all of it. It is easy to be inconsistent, and discover that we are being more controlled by a non-Christian outlook than we realise - often with tragic practical results. The Christian who is willing to refuse bribes, or shun immorality, or speak the truth to his own loss, or make professional sacrifices in order to help the poor, or preach the gospel, represents the victory of a Christian mind over our normal self-seeking. He has made up his mind to please God rather than himself. The relativistic post-modern mind is desperately in need of a reference point - whilst denying the possibility of its existence. Developing a Christian Mind provides that reference point.

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