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Grace Looks Amazing on You: 100 Days of…
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Grace Looks Amazing on You: 100 Days of Reflecting God's Love (A Devotional with Scripture, Encouragement, and Daily Reflection Prompts for Christian Women) (editie 2020)

door Amy Seiffert (Auteur)

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1221,660,891 (4.33)Geen
Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:What if today is the perfect time to notice God's grace in one another?
Women are so often weighed down by comparison, anxiety, and fear that the idea that grace could look amazing on them feels unbelievable. But all around us are flashes of grace, shining examples of God's love.
Amy Seiffert says it's the everyday moments that Jesus shines through: making time for a friend even when your to-do list is pages long; apologizing to your neighbor when you don't want to admit you are wrong; opening the Bible when your soul feels hollow and empty.
Making the choice to accept God's limitless love no matter what and reflecting it back to the world around you—friend, that's when His grace looks amazing on you.
A perfect gift to affirm and encourage any woman, Grace Looks Amazing on You is a timeless Christian message packed with personal story and reflection, Scripture, and deep biblical truth. This 100-day devotional will help you change your perspective so you can confidently radiate the grace of Christ.
… (meer)
Titel:Grace Looks Amazing on You: 100 Days of Reflecting God's Love (A Devotional with Scripture, Encouragement, and Daily Reflection Prompts for Christian Women)
Auteurs:Amy Seiffert (Auteur)
Info:Tyndale Momentum (2020), 272 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Grace Looks Amazing on You: 100 Days of Reflecting God’s Love door Amy Seiffert

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We are now in the midst of a world wide pandemic and the release of this book is perfect timing. Suddenly, it is impossible to get a professional hair cut, makeup is seldom used, and dressing in our "Sunday Best" seems to be a vague memory. Amazing is certainly not the word we would use to describe ourselves right now because we tend to think in physical terms but author Amy Seiffert assures us that God sees each of us differently. He knows our thoughts and He sees our inner beauty and He thinks that "My grace looks amazing on you." God is offering us His wonderful gift of grace but are we willing to accept it? More importantly, are we willing to extend love and forgiveness to others? Will the amazing person that God sees be visible to others?

Most of us need encouragement and inspiration and Grace Looks Amazing On You is an ideal answer to our needs. There are one hundred devotions in this book and I felt like Seiffert was talking to me personally as she shares biblical truth with both humor and wisdom. The scripture, short devotion, and Grace Reflection for each day all contribute to make this an valuable resource for both personal devotion time or a group Bible study.

I received a copy of this book from the author but there was no obligation for a favorable review. These are my own thoughts. ( )
  fcplcataloger | May 1, 2020 |
This beautiful devotional will grasp the heart of every reader. A great gift idea or just when you want to purchase something extra for yourself the small size and hard cover add to this book's allure. Then the ultimate gift are each days' passages. Amy is a relatable yet deep thoughtful and wise writer. Her writing stirs your heart from day one and your journey through this book is blessed with her daily thoughts, insightfully chosen Bible verses, and then lastly the extra reflections added to each day to end your reading. I love the length of these devotions because one is easily able to read through before their day begins or to end the day with reading and reflecting. These words will bless you, make you think and really dig into grace. I received an early copy of this book from Tyndale Publishing, these are my own thoughts and opinions. ( )
  HayleyMRS | Apr 2, 2020 |
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Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:What if today is the perfect time to notice God's grace in one another?
Women are so often weighed down by comparison, anxiety, and fear that the idea that grace could look amazing on them feels unbelievable. But all around us are flashes of grace, shining examples of God's love.
Amy Seiffert says it's the everyday moments that Jesus shines through: making time for a friend even when your to-do list is pages long; apologizing to your neighbor when you don't want to admit you are wrong; opening the Bible when your soul feels hollow and empty.
Making the choice to accept God's limitless love no matter what and reflecting it back to the world around you—friend, that's when His grace looks amazing on you.
A perfect gift to affirm and encourage any woman, Grace Looks Amazing on You is a timeless Christian message packed with personal story and reflection, Scripture, and deep biblical truth. This 100-day devotional will help you change your perspective so you can confidently radiate the grace of Christ.

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