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The Baby Owner's Manual: Operating…
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The Baby Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance (origineel 2004; editie 2003)

door Joe Borgenicht

Reeksen: Instruction Manual (baby)

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Family & Relationships. Reference. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:

At Last! A Beginner's Guide to Newborn Baby Technology
You've programmed your DVR, you've installed a wireless Internet connection, you can even check Facebook on your cell phone. But none of this experience will prepare you for the world's biggest technological marvel: a newborn baby.

Through step-by-step instructions and helpful schematic diagrams, The Baby Owner's Manual explores hundreds of frequently asked questions: What's the best way to swaddle a baby? How can I make my newborn sleep through the night? When should I bring the baby to a doctor for servicing? Whatever your concerns, you'll find the answers here?courtesy of celebrated pediatrician Dr. Louis Borgenicht and his son, Joe Borgenicht. Together, they provide plenty of useful advice for anyone who wants to learn the basics of childcare.

.… (meer)
Titel:The Baby Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance
Auteurs:Joe Borgenicht
Info:Quirk Books (2003), Paperback, 228 pages
Verzamelingen:eBook, Audio Book, Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst, Aan het lezen, Te lezen

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The Baby Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance door Louis Borgenicht (2004)

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Definitiv ein Muss für alle frisch gebackenen Eltern. Auf lustige Art wird alles Wichtige aufgeführt.
Manch einer mag dieses Thema nicht als lustig empfinden, der darf auch gerne zum Lachen in den Keller gehen. Kindeserziehung sollte auch mit viel Humor betrachtet werden.
Sicherlich gibt es in diesem Buch viele ernste Thema, wenn etwa Gefahr für das Leben des Kindes droht. Doch warum dies trocken und langweilig darzulegen, wenn es eben auch etwas leichter geht. Allein die Vorstellung, dass dem eigenen Kind es etwas Schlimmes zustoßen kann, ist schon schwer genug zu ertragen. Zumal die Beschreibungen in diesem Buch mehr als einfach und verständlich sind.
Die Fortsetzung, für Kleinkinder, wird mit Sicherheit seinen Weg in mein Bücherregal schaffen. Denn allein dieses Buch hat mir mit einer Leichtigkeit über Dinge hinweggeholfen, bei denen ich noch vor Geburt meines Kindes, absolute Horrorvorstellungen hatte. ( )
  RoXXieSiXX | May 20, 2024 |
The set treats the baby as a computer unit fresh out of the box, complete with a big Quick Start guide. The book is full of good information and all the items are both funny and useful. Its the sort of gift that you will buy time and time again. (I've bought two, so far). ( )
  Petra.Xs | Apr 2, 2013 |
From Lilac Wolf and Stuff

This is so funny! It really does have useful information, but I'm a mom twice over, so nothing in it was news to me. If I were to gift this to someone, it would be the dad-to-be.

As funny as it is, the graphics catch your eye and the information is laid out in a logical manner. It literally is an instruction book about babies. I think it would take out some of the mystery that usually scares guy silly.

One of the first things covered is "The Baby: Diagram and Parts List" and it goes on to talk about the head, hair, fontanels, eyes, etc. Just a quick description, but enough to let someone know what's coming. The only thing missing is the fact that they may lactate. Both my boys lactated a few days after birth. Totally weirded me out, thank GOD for Google! lol

But there are pictures, information, and lots of to-dos to prepare for the baby, how to hold the baby, how to feed the baby. You get the idea. I love that they call the pediatricians "service providers" and parents "users."

Best advice "Trust your own instincts and intuition." Yes, I really do think this is a good baby book...I mean Owner's Manual. ( )
  lilacwolf | Dec 3, 2012 |
The Baby Owner’s Manual by Louis Borgenicht, MD, and Joe Borgenicht, D.A.D., can be used as a reference guide by all new parents and probably some who already have children. The main approach of the book is similar to how a manual would talk about your new stereo or other consumer product by first describing its parts and functions and then discussing care and maintenance. There are tips on how to perfectly swaddle the baby and how to deal with emergency situations. Included also is a section on what accessories are not included, such as bottles and diapers, and a caution that some “models” may vary. New parents don’t have a ton of time to read this book cover-to-cover, but it is easily dipped into for advice, particularly if they encounter a particular problem at feeding or bed time.

Please see the full review on Aug. 12: ( )
  sagustocox | Aug 11, 2011 |
Eine nette und kurze Zusammenfassung über alles, was man zu einem erwarteten Baby wissen muss. Besonderheit: das ganze ist größtenteils im Stil einer Bedienungsanleitung für technik-affine Männer geschrieben, ohne dabei aber zu überziehen und das ganze ins Lächerliche zu ziehen. Gute Arbeit für den Einstieg, ich traue mich nun an weiterführende Lektüre ran :) ( )
  MartinRohrbach | Jul 2, 2011 |
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Family & Relationships. Reference. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:

At Last! A Beginner's Guide to Newborn Baby Technology
You've programmed your DVR, you've installed a wireless Internet connection, you can even check Facebook on your cell phone. But none of this experience will prepare you for the world's biggest technological marvel: a newborn baby.

Through step-by-step instructions and helpful schematic diagrams, The Baby Owner's Manual explores hundreds of frequently asked questions: What's the best way to swaddle a baby? How can I make my newborn sleep through the night? When should I bring the baby to a doctor for servicing? Whatever your concerns, you'll find the answers here?courtesy of celebrated pediatrician Dr. Louis Borgenicht and his son, Joe Borgenicht. Together, they provide plenty of useful advice for anyone who wants to learn the basics of childcare.


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