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Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy (The…
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Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy (The Chronicles of Never After, 1) (origineel 2020; editie 2021)

door Melissa De La Cruz (Auteur)

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3741071,337 (3.64)1
Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. Mythology. Folklore. HTML:

"Narrator Imani Jade Powers sets a vibrant tone for this first audiobook in the middle-grade adventure series..Her clear delivery emphasizes the storytelling, which skillfully takes listeners from one suspenseful chapter to the next." AudioFile Magazine

Real life and fairy tales collide in Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy, book one in the new middle-grade Never After series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Descendants series, Melissa de la Cruz.

Nothing ever happens in Filomena Jefferson-Cho's sleepy little suburban town of North Pasadena. The sun shines every day, the grass is always a perfect green, and while her progressive school swears there's no such thing as bullying, she still feels bummed out. But one day, when Filomena is walking home on her own, something strange happens.
Filomena is being followed by Jack Stalker, one of the heroes in the Thirteenth Fairy, a series of books she loves about a brave girl and her ragtag group of friends who save their world from an evil enchantress. She must be dreaming, or still reading a book. But Jack is insistent—he's real, the stories are real, and Filomena must come with him at once!
Soon, Filomena is thrust into the world of evil fairies and beautiful princesses, sorcerers and slayers, where an evil queen drives her ruthless armies to destroy what is left of the Fairy tribes. To save herself and the kingdom of Westphalia, Filomena must find the truth behind the fairytales and set the world back to rights before the cycle of sleep and destruction begins once more.
A Macmillan Audio production from Roaring Brook Press

.… (meer)
Titel:Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy (The Chronicles of Never After, 1)
Auteurs:Melissa De La Cruz (Auteur)
Info:Square Fish (2021), 336 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Thirteenth Fairy door Melissa De la Cruz (2020)

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1-5 van 10 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Filomena Jefferson-Cho is super excited for the release of the final installment of her very favorite fantasy series, only to discover that the manuscript was never found. These books - the Never After novels - are sort of retold fairy tales. And soon Filomena finds herself face to face with Jack Stalker, the hero of those very books. It's very predictable, very meta, very wish-fulfillment. Honestly, it's not that great. It passed the time but I doubt I'll look up the rest of the series. ( )
  melydia | Jun 13, 2024 |
I love this fairy tale retelling. Filomena Jefferson-Cho is awesome, i love that she doesn't let anything stop her and I love that she finds out who she is. I have already read book #2, The Stolen Slippers, so I am going to have to skip straight to book #3, The Broken Mirror to continue reading this wonderful series. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Aug 4, 2023 |
This was such a cute book! I know it’s middle-grade fiction, but I really enjoyed it. I loved reading the subtle nods to great works of fiction like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings! The twist on classic fairy tales was great too. Definitely would recommend to kids and adults alike for a quick, delightful read. ( )
  natmo | Jun 1, 2022 |
Never After is the first book in a new fantasy series. It's perfect for middle grade or upper elementary school readers, or as a light YA or adult read. Filomena, the main character is beloved by her parents but bullied at her California middle school. She visits the bookstore after school to purchase the thirteenth and final installment in her favorite book series, Never After, and finds out, not only is the book not available, it's never going to be released. Walking home disappointed, she finds she is being followed by Jack Stalker, the main character in the Never After series. Filomena is thrown into a world of fairytales, magic and an epic battle between good and evil.
Filomena is a brave, clever, witty protagonist who grows in wisdom and strength throughout the story. Never After is imaginative, fast moving and fun, and often laugh-out-loud funny. I liked the interesting characters, non-stop action, and how it moves between the modern and fairy-tale worlds. It is a great addition to the middle grade fantasy genre. ( )
  PennyOlson | Jan 24, 2022 |
So, this is the first Melissa de la Cruz book that I have read, although I do know about her work in publishing the Descendants series with Disney Hyperion. Reading this book, I understand why. The author sets a breakneck pace with her books, packing it full of references that both kids and adults can enjoy. Was it my cup of tea, though? Not exactly...

I will say I loved the first half. It read like many of the middle grade adventures that I remembered from my child, and I could easily see a new generation getting caught up with Filomena Jefferson-Cho and the fantastic world of fairy tales she encounters in Never After. It is after this first half however that the book loses its magic, so focused on cramming as many tropes and clichés in its last half that it could give one whiplash.

I understand that keeping readers engaged is a challenge in middle grade fiction, and that requires keeping a fast pace. However, I did feel that de la Cruz became a little too zealous in doing this, and thus found herself fitting in months, if not years of character development and world building, in the course of a haphazardly written day. It did not leave the book unreadable, but I feel better efforts could and have been done to wrap everything nicely and better written even in this genre. ( )
  shrrawat | Dec 8, 2021 |
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For all the magic in my life

For my ever-after family
Mike & Mattie always

For my friends who believed
Jen Besser
Richard Abate
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Once upon a time in the days of old, eleven fairies gathered at court before a child to hold.
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Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. Mythology. Folklore. HTML:

"Narrator Imani Jade Powers sets a vibrant tone for this first audiobook in the middle-grade adventure series..Her clear delivery emphasizes the storytelling, which skillfully takes listeners from one suspenseful chapter to the next." — AudioFile Magazine

Real life and fairy tales collide in Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy, book one in the new middle-grade Never After series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Descendants series, Melissa de la Cruz.

Nothing ever happens in Filomena Jefferson-Cho's sleepy little suburban town of North Pasadena. The sun shines every day, the grass is always a perfect green, and while her progressive school swears there's no such thing as bullying, she still feels bummed out. But one day, when Filomena is walking home on her own, something strange happens.
Filomena is being followed by Jack Stalker, one of the heroes in the Thirteenth Fairy, a series of books she loves about a brave girl and her ragtag group of friends who save their world from an evil enchantress. She must be dreaming, or still reading a book. But Jack is insistent—he's real, the stories are real, and Filomena must come with him at once!
Soon, Filomena is thrust into the world of evil fairies and beautiful princesses, sorcerers and slayers, where an evil queen drives her ruthless armies to destroy what is left of the Fairy tribes. To save herself and the kingdom of Westphalia, Filomena must find the truth behind the fairytales and set the world back to rights before the cycle of sleep and destruction begins once more.
A Macmillan Audio production from Roaring Brook Press


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