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I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to…
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I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit (editie 2020)

door Matthew Kelly (Auteur)

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2693102,654 (4.25)Geen
Is Your Life Working? Most of us are trying to put together the jigsaw puzzle we call life without a very important piece. Over time this becomes incredibly frustrating. In this extraordinary book, Matthew Kelly powerfully demonstrates that we cannot live the life we have imagined, or experience the joy we yearn for, unless we learn to tend the soul. From there, with his classic style of practical wisdom, he teaches us how to remedy this problem. When our bodies are hungry, our stomachs growl. When our souls are hungry, we become irritable, restless, confused, overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, discontent, and tend to focus on the things that matter least and neglect the things that matter most. Are you taking care of your soul? Are you feeding it and nurturing it? Or are you ignoring it and neglecting it? The reality is, most people have never really been taught how to tend their souls. I Heard God Laugh will help you to do just that, and so much more. If you ever wondered how Matthew Kelly has been able to write and speak the way he has over the past three decades, he is about to share his secret with you. As he shares what transformed his life, along with intimate details of his own journey and struggle, he teaches us how to apply the great spiritual lessons learned to our own lives. At every turn he floods the reader with hope and demonstrates unmistakably that the best is yet to come!.… (meer)
Titel:I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit
Auteurs:Matthew Kelly (Auteur)
Info:Blue Sparrow (2020), 128 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit door Matthew Kelly

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I like Matthew Kelly's books. They are short but packed with value-added materials. (I also enjoy his YouTube videos.) "I Heard God Laugh" is a book that teaches us how to pray. I really liked everything that Kelly says in the book. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was that the book was very slow to get to the point. There was too much setup before getting to the meat of the book, which was the 7-step prayer process. Regardless, I really liked this book and will be using it to establish a more consistent prayer habit. ( )
  niaomiya | Aug 15, 2023 |
Most of us are trying to put together the jigsaw puzzle we call life without a very important piece. Over time this becomes incredibly frustrating. In this extraordinary book, Matthew Kelly powerfully demonstrates that we cannot live the life we have imagined, or experience the joy we yearn for, unless we learn to tend the soul. From there, with his classic style of practical wisdom, he teaches us how to remedy this problem.
  StFrancisofAssisi | Mar 20, 2022 |
Without demeaning this work, it is another of those which try to teach how to pray. The approach is very good. Alas, by not mentioning formula prayer at all, the author throws out the prayer life of very many. I suspect he would concede there is nothing wrong with formula prayer except his way is better. The truth is there is no one way to pray. The best we can hope for is to put ourselves in the presence of God. The author does make one really telling point: in praying we ought not to give a laundry list of our needs but rather we should seek to know what God wants of us. Of course, seeking to find out what God wants of us absolutely requires a high level of spirituality else we ask but don't wait for God's answer and pretend we hear God tell us what we want to hear.
It is not until we get to the bottom of the next to the last page that we hear that God is willing to laugh with us. Of course, God does want to laugh with us when we are mirthful but hardly when we laugh at another's pratfall.
Prayer is serious business but it is also as simple as visiting with a friend.
I think the author has made a valuable contribution to a huge subject and I will re-read this later. ( )
  DeaconBernie | May 12, 2021 |
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Is Your Life Working? Most of us are trying to put together the jigsaw puzzle we call life without a very important piece. Over time this becomes incredibly frustrating. In this extraordinary book, Matthew Kelly powerfully demonstrates that we cannot live the life we have imagined, or experience the joy we yearn for, unless we learn to tend the soul. From there, with his classic style of practical wisdom, he teaches us how to remedy this problem. When our bodies are hungry, our stomachs growl. When our souls are hungry, we become irritable, restless, confused, overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, discontent, and tend to focus on the things that matter least and neglect the things that matter most. Are you taking care of your soul? Are you feeding it and nurturing it? Or are you ignoring it and neglecting it? The reality is, most people have never really been taught how to tend their souls. I Heard God Laugh will help you to do just that, and so much more. If you ever wondered how Matthew Kelly has been able to write and speak the way he has over the past three decades, he is about to share his secret with you. As he shares what transformed his life, along with intimate details of his own journey and struggle, he teaches us how to apply the great spiritual lessons learned to our own lives. At every turn he floods the reader with hope and demonstrates unmistakably that the best is yet to come!.

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