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California Real Estate Sales Exam

door LearningExpress Editors

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There's big money to be made in California real estate. There are more than 300,000 real estate sales people in California and employment is expected to grow faster than average in the next decade-14% overall. But before you can enter is in-demand and growing field, you have to pass the California Real Estate Licensing Exam. With California Real Estate Sales Exam, you can prepare with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. This guide contains detailed information on the prerequisites, registration procedure, and a breakdown of each test section by question type and number of questions. You also gain access to the proven LearningExpress Test Preparation System-a study plan designed by time management experts that you can customize to fit your schedule and needs, and offers invaluable advice on how to conquer test anxiety, manage your time, learn how to use the process of elimination, and how to guess effectively. You'll then take a diagnostic test that will assess your strengths and weaknesses, so you know where you need to concentrate your study time. The review for the California Real Estate Licensing Exam works just like a mini-course, and covers all the concepts and areas of real estate knowledge that will be tested on the exam: Property Ownership and Land Use Controls and Regulations Laws of Agency Valuation and Market Analysis Financing Transfer of Property Practice of Real Estate and Mandated Disclosures Contracts These sections cover over 500 definitions of key real estate terms, which are all included in an easy-to-reference glossary. Next, you will review math concepts that will be covered on the exam, such as: Property Tax Loan-to-Value Rations Prorations Commissions Sales Proceeds And More After the review course and math review, you'll be able to take three more exams at the end the book. Each of these is modeled after the official California Real Estate Licensing Exam, so you'll know exactly where you stand and witness your own improvement Finally, you'll get access to a FREE CD-ROM with an additional practice exam. The results of this exam will be visible in a customized score report that breaks down your scores by section, for the final fine-tuning adjustments you need to ace the test "… (meer)
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There's big money to be made in California real estate. There are more than 300,000 real estate sales people in California and employment is expected to grow faster than average in the next decade-14% overall. But before you can enter is in-demand and growing field, you have to pass the California Real Estate Licensing Exam. With California Real Estate Sales Exam, you can prepare with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. This guide contains detailed information on the prerequisites, registration procedure, and a breakdown of each test section by question type and number of questions. You also gain access to the proven LearningExpress Test Preparation System-a study plan designed by time management experts that you can customize to fit your schedule and needs, and offers invaluable advice on how to conquer test anxiety, manage your time, learn how to use the process of elimination, and how to guess effectively. You'll then take a diagnostic test that will assess your strengths and weaknesses, so you know where you need to concentrate your study time. The review for the California Real Estate Licensing Exam works just like a mini-course, and covers all the concepts and areas of real estate knowledge that will be tested on the exam: Property Ownership and Land Use Controls and Regulations Laws of Agency Valuation and Market Analysis Financing Transfer of Property Practice of Real Estate and Mandated Disclosures Contracts These sections cover over 500 definitions of key real estate terms, which are all included in an easy-to-reference glossary. Next, you will review math concepts that will be covered on the exam, such as: Property Tax Loan-to-Value Rations Prorations Commissions Sales Proceeds And More After the review course and math review, you'll be able to take three more exams at the end the book. Each of these is modeled after the official California Real Estate Licensing Exam, so you'll know exactly where you stand and witness your own improvement Finally, you'll get access to a FREE CD-ROM with an additional practice exam. The results of this exam will be visible in a customized score report that breaks down your scores by section, for the final fine-tuning adjustments you need to ace the test "

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