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Soldiers of the Revolution in Bedford County, Tennessee

door Helen C. Marsh, Timothy R. Marsh

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By: Helen & Timothy Marsh, Pub. 1989, reprinted 2018, 266 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #0-89308-653-3.Bedford County was formed in 1807 out of Rutherford County. This long awaited book gives information on some 136 men who served in the Revolutionary War and who later settled in Bedford County. It also gives similar information on a number of other men who served in the Revolutionary War and moved into Bedford County for a brief period before moving elsewhere. The main portion of this information is taken from the individual's Revolutionary War Pension Applications as well as from family sources, such as Bible records when such information was available to the authors. It contains one person's complete service record, depositions of other soldiers and neighbors regarding his service; battles, etc. he served in; when born, and death date, as well as, when available, where the soldier was buried. The authors also provide some information on the first generation of descendants of each soldier when such information is available.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorgypsywind1968, Melissa_Edwards

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Marsh, Helen C.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Marsh, Timothy R.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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By: Helen & Timothy Marsh, Pub. 1989, reprinted 2018, 266 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #0-89308-653-3.Bedford County was formed in 1807 out of Rutherford County. This long awaited book gives information on some 136 men who served in the Revolutionary War and who later settled in Bedford County. It also gives similar information on a number of other men who served in the Revolutionary War and moved into Bedford County for a brief period before moving elsewhere. The main portion of this information is taken from the individual's Revolutionary War Pension Applications as well as from family sources, such as Bible records when such information was available to the authors. It contains one person's complete service record, depositions of other soldiers and neighbors regarding his service; battles, etc. he served in; when born, and death date, as well as, when available, where the soldier was buried. The authors also provide some information on the first generation of descendants of each soldier when such information is available.

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