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Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California: From the Mexican Border to Tuolumne Meadows

door Laura Randall

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Your hiking and backpacking guide to the PCT First published in 1973,The Pacific Crest Trail, Vol. 1, California quickly established itself as the "PCT Bible"--the book trekkers could not do without. Now thoroughly updated and redesigned,Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California starts at the Mexican border and guides you to Yosemite's beautiful backcountry. Let our PCT gurus--Laura Randall, Ben Schiffrin, Jeffrey P. Schaffer, and Thomas Winnett--help you with everything you need to know about this section of the 2,650-mile trail, which traverses 24 national forests, 37 wilderness areas, and 7 national parks. Written by accomplished hikers who have logged over 5,000 trail miles, this book helps you locate the trail, find water sources, and access resupply routes. Featuring a complete map of the route,Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California provides rich descriptions of the trail, tips on planning your hike, and information on the region's natural history, geology, and ecology. You'll also get important details on camping, permits, and the best seasons to go. Plan a day hike, a weekend trip, or an ambitious thru-hike. Let's get going. The trail awaits!… (meer)
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Your hiking and backpacking guide to the PCT First published in 1973,The Pacific Crest Trail, Vol. 1, California quickly established itself as the "PCT Bible"--the book trekkers could not do without. Now thoroughly updated and redesigned,Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California starts at the Mexican border and guides you to Yosemite's beautiful backcountry. Let our PCT gurus--Laura Randall, Ben Schiffrin, Jeffrey P. Schaffer, and Thomas Winnett--help you with everything you need to know about this section of the 2,650-mile trail, which traverses 24 national forests, 37 wilderness areas, and 7 national parks. Written by accomplished hikers who have logged over 5,000 trail miles, this book helps you locate the trail, find water sources, and access resupply routes. Featuring a complete map of the route,Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California provides rich descriptions of the trail, tips on planning your hike, and information on the region's natural history, geology, and ecology. You'll also get important details on camping, permits, and the best seasons to go. Plan a day hike, a weekend trip, or an ambitious thru-hike. Let's get going. The trail awaits!

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