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The Anglo-Soviet Alliance: Comrades and Allies During WW2

door Colin Turbett

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This pictorial history captures the humanity and sacrifice of ordinary Soviet citizens during WWII. Russian losses during the Second World War were beyond imagination. Caught between a brutal invader and a ruthless leader, millions of Soviet citizens committed themselves to saving their motherland at any cost. Soviet victory over the Nazis, which effectively won the war, came about through their effort and sacrifice. With photographs taken during and after the Second World War, Red Star at War puts a human face on the immense Soviet war effort. The Russian men and women who fought side by side are show in photographs taken for their families and friends, along with the personal messages that came with them. The photographs and captions are supported by text drawn from writings of the period as well as more recent historical accounts and research.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorevertonian, brs, jonesandy31, robforrest
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This pictorial history captures the humanity and sacrifice of ordinary Soviet citizens during WWII. Russian losses during the Second World War were beyond imagination. Caught between a brutal invader and a ruthless leader, millions of Soviet citizens committed themselves to saving their motherland at any cost. Soviet victory over the Nazis, which effectively won the war, came about through their effort and sacrifice. With photographs taken during and after the Second World War, Red Star at War puts a human face on the immense Soviet war effort. The Russian men and women who fought side by side are show in photographs taken for their families and friends, along with the personal messages that came with them. The photographs and captions are supported by text drawn from writings of the period as well as more recent historical accounts and research.

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