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The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth door Ruben…
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The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth (editie 2019)

door Ruben Villahermosa (Auteur)

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It is a Technical Analysis approach based on the study of supply and demand; that is, on the continuous interaction between buyers and sellers. The approach is simple: when well-informed traders want to buy or sell, they carry out processes that leave their traces on the chart through price and volume. The Wyckoff Methodology tries to identify that professional intervention to try to elucidate who is most likely to be in control of the market and enable us to pose judicious scenarios of where the price is most likely to go. • Unique theoretical conceptual framework. This approach is based on a real underlying logic through its 3 fundamental laws: • Price and volume analytical tools. We will understand that markets do not move in a straight line but in waves of varying degrees, which create trends and ranges. • It provides context and roadmap. Thanks to the accumulation and distribution schemes we will be able to identify the professional's participation as well as the general market s...… (meer)
Titel:The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth
Auteurs:Ruben Villahermosa (Auteur)
Info:Independently published (2019), 278 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth (Trading and Investing Course: Advanced Technical Analysis) door Rubén Villahermosa

Onlangs toegevoegd doorcng12345, Cheedai, Boivy, JohnSchnieders, Rtos1, timjaeger

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It is a Technical Analysis approach based on the study of supply and demand; that is, on the continuous interaction between buyers and sellers. The approach is simple: when well-informed traders want to buy or sell, they carry out processes that leave their traces on the chart through price and volume. The Wyckoff Methodology tries to identify that professional intervention to try to elucidate who is most likely to be in control of the market and enable us to pose judicious scenarios of where the price is most likely to go. • Unique theoretical conceptual framework. This approach is based on a real underlying logic through its 3 fundamental laws: • Price and volume analytical tools. We will understand that markets do not move in a straight line but in waves of varying degrees, which create trends and ranges. • It provides context and roadmap. Thanks to the accumulation and distribution schemes we will be able to identify the professional's participation as well as the general market s...

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